Before the WCW and the NWO completely collapsed under the ridiculous storylines being provided (Jeff Jarret's NWO Silver, Stevie Ray leading NWO Hollywood etc)

Do you remember how incredibly exciting it was when they first appeared?

To have no knowledge of what went on behind the scenes in wrestling (before everyone had the internet and could read about contracts and disputes, and also because I was younger and unaware) I went through the roof when I first saw Scott Hall appear on Nitro.
The lack of behind-the-scenes access for fans is in part what I would consider to have a heavy hand in the astronomical success when the NWO was born.

Then what happens?
Kevin Nash shows up. Here were two of the biggest, most memorable, and well-loved superstars from the WWF (under the names Diesel & Razor Ramon, who were TERRIFIC characters) I remember the pure shock of it.
And if it wasn't exciting enough to see them there, they begin the invasion and powerbomb Eric Bischoff through a table.

My friends and I were going crazy!!!
From here WCW would have its greatest storylines, for me at least.
They made a great play by having Hogan go heel. (Bash At The Beach, the fans TRASHED that ring afterwards)
To have these two popular rebels show up wreaking havoc and THEN have the Babe Ruth of wrestling join them was groundbreaking. No, its not as if it was an act of genius in terms of originality (Bret Hart turned heel in WWF). But those in power in WCW knew how it was the perfect platform to slingshot from.

Wrestling was in a state of change becoming more of an adult show than family based (WWF was evolving into its Attitude Era) and the NWO storyline was perfect to bring wrestling into that era.

Remember all the great moments that followed? :

- Sting is mistrusted by his friends and "leaves" the company
- Macho Man is insane with anger and jumps on top of the limo as it speeds away
-Eric Bischoff joins
-Ted Dibiase joins
- Syxx (formerly 123 Kid in WWF) joins
- Hall & Nash had sercurity pull guns on them during a triangle tag title match
-the NWO makes an open call to all WCW wrestlers to join or else...
-Watching the NWO build with some impressive members such as Macho Man (eventually joined) Buff Bagwell, The Giant, Stevie Ray, Scott Steiner,
-DDP's career and character was single-handedly LAUNCHED when he took out Kevin Nash and Scott Hall after accepting an NWO shirt
.....this was personally one of my favorite moments....
-Nick Patrick joined the NWO (EVEN THE REFEREES!)
- Sting began appearing in the rafters with the crow angle
- Sting's attacks from the rafters on WCW and NWO wrestlers
- Sting beating Hogan at Starrcade
-Goldberg defeating Hogan on NITRO
- I believe it gets overlooked, but LEX LUGER beating Hogan on Nitro for the title
- We had some wonderful feuds: THE BEST OF THEM BEING MACHO MAN & DDP

Ultimately, it was cool for the first time in wrestling to be BAD.
The NWO angle worked b/c at that point in wrestling, those in charge were not as open about the fact that it was staged/scripted like it is today. So there was a sense of reality to the industry that still existed.
With the NWO, we saw a real threat. Our heroes turned on us (Hogan. Eventually Macho Man) and turned their backs on us (Sting) and we saw the birth of new ones (Diamond Dallas Page) while at the same time they were all totally unable to overcome the power that the NWO brought (Remember War Games when the 4 Horsemen, WCW's most traditional team, failed to defeat them)
It was something that had never been seen before in wrestling ever.

That's why it worked.

Between purchasing the T-Shirts, Watching the NWO win a WW3 ppv after the other, making the "4 Life" hand gestures with my friends and saying "Sweeeet!" and rooting for the NWO in general
It was a golden time to be a wrestling fan.

To see something so new. So innovative. So completely foreign.

I miss that now. WWE is lackluster in story (and roster for that matter) in my opinion. And if you were to ask me its b/c Vince McMahon has no competition. But thats a completely differnt article.

Wrestling has changed. New faces. New styles.
We don't forget the old storylines or the faces we've lost along the way (Owen, Rude, Pillman, Hennig, Bulldog, Guerrero --RIP--)
And I wonder if wrestling will ever be that popular again or if those days were the peak for the wrestling world.

But for those of us that remember, we can look back and feel the excitement all over again when those two first appeared on the Monday Nitro Broadcast.

Just wanted to share that with those of you that feel the same.
Reply and share a few memories. I welcome it with open arms.





From mid 1996-to early 1998, WCW was must see TV! Especially those months following Hulk Hogan's turn. It was incredible, those were the days.



the finger poke of doom though was a decently thought out storyline, cause it took care of Goldberg, which was the NWO's problem. So they had Nash beat Goldberg with the help of hall and then have Hogan beat Nash for the title back.


I remember ordering BATB 96 to see who the third man would be with Hall/Nash. Oh man when it turned out to be Hogan, I was shocked. I also loved it. The most popular guy of all time turns on the fans and joins these two outsiders, it was just brilliant and unforgettable. The nWo was fun as hell to watch. Beating the hell out of everyone, spray painting nWo everywhere, having their own nWo Monday Nitro episode, Bischoff, the president of WCW, joining the nWo, taking control over everything. It was awesome. I had the nWo t-shirt, the Hollywood Rules shirt, the Hogan 4-life shirt. It was a great time to like wrestling. When they re-started the match and Sting won the WHT from Hogan, I was uber pissed. When the nWo broke into two factions, I of course was a loyal nWo Hollywood follower, even though they had mostly jobbers, lol, but they had Scott Hall, the Giant, Hogan, Hennig, Rick Rude, etc. Everyone told me how Hogan was old and couldn't wrestle, I got into many a fight over it, lol.

Another thing I loved was the nWo entrances. Hogan out in front playing guitar with the belt, with nWo spray painted on it. Almost every single Nitro opened with either the nWo or Hogan coming out to cut an awesome promo. I remember Starrcade 97 where half the arena was wearing nWo shirts and cheered when Hogan pinned Sting.

There was a magic in 1996-1998 that can't be duplicated. Somehow, everything worked, and WCW, almost overnight, turned from the second rate promotion into the biggest wrestling company in the world. There was no better time to be a wrestling fan.

But sadly, those times are gone, and all we have now is WWE, with poor storylines and lackluster matches, and TNA, with their no name wrestlers and Jeff Jarrett always hogging with NWA title. Maybe one day....

"The good thing about being me is that there's so many of me."



Oh yes, I loved Nitro from 1996-1998. I lived and breathed WCW wrestling during those times - especially with the Sting/Hogan story line. It was so awesome to watch Sting drop from the rafters unannounced and kick some nWo ass!!!
I stopeed watching after Wolfpac showed up and WCW's two biggest backbones, Sting and Luger, joined the Wolfpac. That was just too much for me to believe. I'm glad I quit watching when I did because after 1999 WCW went to hell. I don't think I would've wanted to watch the demise of my favorite sport.
I personally never wathced the WWF during WCW's golden years. WWF was always too violent and too focused on hot chicks tearing each other's clothes off.
McMahon killed wrestling by buying out his competition. More competition = better product because you're constantly trying to top your oppenent. And McMahon wonders why WWE is crap and no one watches anymore....


Totally agree with what you said about McMahon, the idiot!


McMahon didnt kill WCW by buying it out. WCW killed themselves when they started doing storylines that didnt make sense, turning wrestlers from face to heel and then back again (Goldberg, Sting to name 2) just for the sake of it, even if they didnt want to turn, wrestlers having control of their own storylines and having no control whatsoever backstage (Steiner once did a shoot on DDP and never got anything for it.


Thats true^ But Mcmahon could have kept WCW running.... atleast with a head, there would be more control in that company!



fans are too knowledgeable now about behind the scenes stuff to ever have a shocking angle like the NWO again. Unless they could do the impossible an keep it a secret.
