bring back WCW

i loved WCW it's alot better then E.C.W., who agree's that they should bring back WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING.


I wish WCW was back too but a snowball chance being in hell has better odds.

Obviously WCW outdid WWE in wrestling and had more realistic storylines and Vince raping ECW's legacy shows he doesnt want his product outshined because he knows it can be.

All Vince Mcsatan will do is use some WCW footage to make profit. Other than that he'll just continue to make WCW look worse on these documentaries he releases.

Check out things Vince brought back and ruined: A heel Eric Bishcoff, NWO, ECW...


i never watched it but learning it history i would like to see it
under same management


He should've brought it back when they finally got Flair, Hogan, Steiner and Goldberg after the botched InVasion angle.


That could of worked ^

Its too late now though unfortunatey


What you don't realize is this: THey already have brought back's now called Friday Night Smackdown...seriously!

Think about it: Smackdown has three of WCW's old championships (World, United States, and Cruiserweight) and most of the aquired WCW talent is there.

And BTW: The ORIGINAL ECW rules, this piss poor excuse for ECW sucks donkey!

Dream Match: John Cena vs. New Jack w/ guest ref Cactus Jack!


But they lost and squandered the ones they had in the previous years: Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Diamond Dallas Page, Mark Jindrak, Sean O'Haire, Buff Bagwell, Kanyon, they didn't even get in Sting, Luger and Rick Steiner.


To be fair: Goldberg was on RAW and beat Triple H for the Raw Championship, DDP had a great run with Undertaker, then as European Champ, Steiner is all hype...nothing more, Bagwell...don't even get me started, Kanyon didn't fit in, Jindrak was nothing special, O'Haire was under used for sure.

Luger was in the WWF once, and stabbed Vince in the back to jump back to WCW, so no surprise that Vince didn't welcome him back with open arms, Sting I would've loved to seen in WWE, just to have a great feud with Taker.

Proud Member of the IMDB Four Horsemen!


But they gave DDP an awful, awful storyline involving Undertaker's wife, which damaged Page's persona in the WWE, and as for Luger, his career was stale in the WWE at that time, so I can understand why he left for WCW even if he got paid there less(which is true, he got paid less), and shouldn't the same be said for Hall and Nash who also left while in a handshake deal with Vince? They even had that lawsuit regarding their characters during the NWO. Well, at least Chuck Palumbo is making a full comeback in the WWE, at least that's what I heard.

