WWE was no better
Wcw is criticized for misusing Jericho,Benoit and certain others. But how can anyone letalone the WWE criticize for misusing talent. This is the same company that took the most badass highflyer in Perry Saturn & turned him into a punchline for eye jokes and a crossdresser in love with a mop.
Not to mention how WWE ruined the cruiserwight action.
They blow smoke about the Dudleyz being the best team ever and originators of tables. Public Enemy was the team who utilized tables and theres plenty of teams better than the Dudleyz(Eliminators, Gangstas, Whole f'n team, LOD,Steiners). The WWE took one of the best teams of the 90's (public Enemy) and turned them into jobbers.
In the early and mid 90's Wcw actually outdid WWF in wrestling(not storylines or popularity) Sting and Vader would put on a better match than Hogan and Undertaker is what I mean.
Wcw was more creative with matches like the Chambers of Horror match, falls count anywhere,ect.
Wcw almost like Ecw recognized talent. Someone would stay in Ovw for years yet their still not ready but Wcw had celebrities putting on ok matches.
My opinion on Wcws demise is they tried so hard to beat WWF they became WWF(relying on whack sorylines as their bread and butter)Wcw storylines were more realistic by the way.
My point is the way Wcw has been criticized is like the pot calling the kettle black.