why they lost.
1. The NWO angle got to lame and when they spilt the 2 black,white vs black,red attack it officialy sucked.it was the shows biggest succes however became there biggest weakness.
2.hogan and flair
im sorry fans of those 2 but we got tired of seeing them always have the title. When they talk about the veteran guys not getting out of the way those are the 2 there talking about.
After he won a very poor match with hogan at starcade98 with a poorly executed finish he soon lost his momentum it was a shame that payper view the hype was amazing and failed to deliver it soon would go down hill.Also when goldberg came sting goes midcard bye bye sting.
4.good guys,bad guys.
So many wrestlers after 1998 would change not 1 a year 2 to 3 time a 5 month period that cant happen.you need to stay good or bad and stick with it.
In 1999 to 2001 how many damm times did that title change to many it seemed 1 a week not good guys.
6.Vince russo
enough said!!!!!
7.Nash jobbed to Hogan.
Remember the finger on the chest ohh god that made no cents literally . It starts now a war nwo vs goldberg well guess what you already did that remember Sting?Now we have to go through this all over again.
Remember that stage you win the belt then your the champ and the commish ahh NO that sucks.
9.Jeff jarret .
The chosen 1 my ass hed go back in 4th till one of the feds would give him the belt hey you guys think cenas finish is wack check out double j his best move the guitar, but him hitting garry coleman was great.Other else he sucked the big 1.
10.Redoing the NWO forget it 96 was when it was at its best leave it alone but no god forbid we make a original idea.
Any ?
12.Bash at the beach bold prediction.
Eric jerkoff says after this pay per view we will own wrestling again.He says it will be bigger then hogan turning heel the only poss was goldberg and it didnt shock many at all and guess what wwe didnt flinch.Besides goldberg was back at face in 3 weeks hurting scott steiner freak then scott beating up goldbergs girl it changed in 1 week make up your damm mine.
13.Poor finacial moves.
They spent to much money on hot chicks and dint get new talent when needed dont get me wrong they had hotter chicks then wwe at the time with torrie wilson,stacy k, midajah,pamela paulshock,nobody in the wwe could compare except trish.God they were hot but that couldnt save them.
14.The worst wcw moment of all??????
DAVID ARQUETTE what in the hell is wrong with you wcw i defy any wrestling/wcw fan to find more a embarrising moment then when david won the belt it was hideous.GOOD GODD.
So guys whatcha think agree disagree please add some that i have missed i know i have but theres only 24 in a day.