Rosa's Father

What was the deal with Rosa's father asking Rosa, and later Manuela their height and weight? I take it he obviously had Alzheimers, but why his curiosity about these two measurements?


He was a taylor...Aren't some of Pedro's details great? There're so many in his movies.


good point! i didn´t notice that... you are right about the details...when you watch an Almodovar´s film several times each time you discover something new. That´s great!


I don't mean to seem stupid or anything.. But, what's a taylor?
(it's just that I'm portuguese and besides my english is reasonable there are some expressions that I don't get)

«Any of you *beep* pricks move, and I'll execute every *beep* last one of ya!» HB


The spelling should be tailor. Not taylor.

It isn't an expression. It is a profession.

A person who makes clothing specifically for individuals.


thank you :)


I'm sorry, I guess I missed that. When in the movie did it say he was a tailor ?
