A Strange Interpretation..

I'd like to know if other people had the same idea that I did.. that everything that went on in the film from the accident on was Esteban's fantasy story about his mother. I thought this because there were so many little references to things that happened when Esteban was alive. For example, when Manuela is accused of being an Eve Harrington. I thought that the events after the accident was just Esteban imaginatively filling in the missing details of his mother's life. Anyone else?


I never would have considered that idea, but it's very intriguing. I too noticed how Nina invoked Eve Harrington, when it seems so odd for such a direct reference to come up. Although Manuela knowing the lines and substituting for Nina is pretty much the situation in "All About Eve" anyway. I don't know if it's what Almodovar intended, but I love this interpretation.


nice theory! it would give the film so much more depth.



That is pretty much the line taken inthe stage version currently playing at the Old Vic Theatre in London.


