Hey, everyone. Just a quick question about the tuba. Maybe I'm just too young to understand, but why is it that when Grady and Crabtree notice the tuba at the airport, they right off the bat think it's Antonia's? If anyone knows, please, enlighten me.
Actually, just watched this again last night and sure enough it's still my favorite movie.
As I recall, in the novel Antonia's luggage has a distinctive cowhide pattern, which the tuba shares, so they mistake it for hers. As it turns out, it isn't hers, and Grady still has it on Sunday night after parting with everything else: the gun, the dog, the snake (don't ask), the novel of course, and the car itself.
In the movie, do we ever discover that the tuba is not Antonia's?
I have the book and I read like half of it, but then for some reason stopped. I remember it was alot more detailed. Should find that thing.
In the movie, they mention the tuba only a few times. When they see it at the airport, when Grady narrates and when James points out the car's trunksize. I think we are just supposed to believe that Antonia took it when Grady dropped her off.
In the film, we see Grady and Antonia at the open trunk before they get in the car. That's when Antonia sees the dog, but I'm not at all sure what they're doing there. Antonia's stuff is in the trunk already and they're not getting it out yet. Next we're in the car with them. Then we never see what Antonia actually takes with her when they part.
In the book, she leaves the tuba, which is not hers, but Grady for some whimsical reason gives her the gun, which (it's mentioned) he would never have been allowed into the bar with afterward anyway. In the movie, he apparently has no trouble carrying the gun into the bar, since he still has it with him in the car on Sunday when he confronts "Vernon" and Oola (who isn't in the book herself).
I do encourage you to finish the book if you were at all enjoying it. The long sequence with Grady and James at Grady's in-laws' seder, which is entirely missing from the movie, is quite wonderful.
I watched this last night and having seen it so many times, I like discovering new pieces each viewing. Even before I read the book, I liked to think that the tuba wasn't Antonia's who might have assumed it was Terry's who met her on the plane. I also was wondering why he opened the trunk, but I figure "she" was getting somthing out of her bag. She's taking her makeup off and possibly has changed her outfit.
Also, the bar didn't look like the kind of place that pats you down to determine if you're strapped. LoL. Tripp was in a haze anyway and probably forgot about the peashooter in his jacket. He certainly was distracted enough.