Suicide list and a viewing suggestion..
Ok, first.. I've watched this great little film probably about 40
times, and only just noticed on the last viewing something kinda
odd.. When James is going through his list of actors suicides, in
alphabetical order, he left off Marilyn Monroe! I've always gone
with the assumed theory it was suicide (but not discounting murder),
so, does that seem kinda odd to anyone else, or covered in the book?
Ok, next.. Had a pounding headache one night and had this film cued
up to playback on the PC. Instead of watching it though, I just left
my headphones on and listened to it as a radio play, and it was just
freakin' hilarious, much more funny letting your brain fill in the
blanks, and the narration is excellent! The whole opening scene of
Tripp at the airport to pickup Crabtree, and the first encounter
of Antonia had me laughing out loud, headache and all! I highly
recommend trying this at least once!