Though this is a Great Game, it's not my favorite of the series...
I just replayed this twice on the 3DS, and I have to say, looking back, this is still a fantastic game, and at the time was a perfect 10. But I think nostalgia is kind of making people turn a blind eye to some issues with the game, and I have to say, in retrospect, it is not my favorite Zelda. In fact, there games both before and after this one that I felt were better all-in-all.
I'd rank this game under both A Link to the Past and Wind Waker as perhaps my third favorite Zelda. (Haven't gotten to play Skyward Sword yet, which I've heard some people claim is the best, but will once I can replace my Wii-Cords, which got destroyed in the flooding in September when my house was completely obliterated)
Yes, I know saying I liked Wind Waker better than this is heresy to many gamers, but I have to say, I had some real problems with the quick pacing of OoT (replaying it recently made me feel it moved to fast for the high stakes to really set in), and how key characters were underdeveloped. A prime example for me is Saria, who is established as a close friend of Link. A few key scenes, such as when Link leaves the forest and when she emerges as a sage, actually gave their relationship an almost tragic-romance flavor, and when I first played, I was kind of touched, as it almost had a hint of a bittersweet "Romance that could never be." But playing it just last week left me feeling that it could have been developed far more, by just the addition of one or two more scenes. The same could be said for other characters. I just feel there isn't enough development to the characters.
Whereas, Wind Waker spends more time establishing the characters, developing their conflicts, etc. It felt like a more complete story to me.
And though A Link to the Past doesn't have an especially deep storyline, it perfected the gameplay in a way that Ocarina just didn't quite match, in my eyes.
Anyone else feel this way, or have another game in the series that they think is better than Ocarina?
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?