Just watched it again

And this is one of those movies that keeps on getting better and better each time you see it!

Sure it's flawed (Academy Award winners (!!) Cooper and Zellweger are horrible in it, some seriously bad acting on their parts...), but Jim Carrey is just hilarious...

I put it on my PSP some time ago and watched bits and pieces of it for the last few nights and laughed myself to sleep.

I've kind of been into the Stiller/Farrell/Frat Pack kind of thing the last few years, but seeing Carrey in stuff like this and Dumb and Dumber is just great..

Hank has some of the coolest one-liners as well.
"On 9. 123456789"

"Just because I rock doesn't mean I'm made out of stone"

If you liked it back when it came out, you'll love to see it again!

--The Brave don't fear the Grave--
