Hated it

This was such a disppoinment...

"...do all in the name of Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Him" Colossians


What an insightful, objective and utterly informative review. Nice work on this one, really. I especially liked the part about "...'disappoinment' something something."

Anyway, really quality stuff; in fact, if you have written other reviews like this one, you should compile them all and publish it!! </sarcasm>


The critics disliked Me, Myself, and Irene. I, on the contrary, love it. It's one of the most underrated vulgar, gross out comedies that I've ever seen!

"The name's Hank, f@#$ face!"



Maybe if you're a Christian wowser you shouldn't watch gross out comedies - I personally was very disappointed with the bible.


yeah i wasn't a fan of that long haired bearded chap, very unrealistic and zero character development. Cant even remember his name....Jerry or something.


Puerile, tasteless, misogynistic rubbish! I turned the movie off after half an hour. What Jim Carrey is doing in tripe like this I cannot imagine!


You resurrect a year-old thread and compare it to a dish like tripe? You think he should have stuck with classic cinematic documentaries like "Batman Forever" and "Ace Ventura"? Yeah sure, those were considerably more tasteful and artistic, no crude humor to be found.

And that was kind of the point of the movie, that Charlie was the nice sweet guy who got pushed too far. His alter-ego personality was the exact opposite: vulgar, crass, and sexually obsessed. And there was nothing misogynistic about this film, the definition means hatred or distrust of women.
