Jim Carrey

This movie is a pretty good example of jim carrey carrying a movie.



I just wish he'd go back to his gross out humour days where anything goes and allows his natural talents to run free!! all his recent turns i.e Yes man, Fun with Dick & Jane just haven't cut it!


I absolutely agree...this is Jim Carrey doing what Jim Carrey does (did) best. It's a pity that the studios are all hell bent against R rated films today.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


I just wish he'd go back to his gross out humour days where anything goes and allows his natural talents to run free!! all his recent turns i.e Yes man, Fun with Dick & Jane just haven't cut it!


I just wish he'd go back to his gross out humour days where anything goes and allows his natural talents to run free!! all his recent turns i.e Yes man, Fun with Dick & Jane just haven't cut it!
