Limo Driver's Weapon

Hi Guys.

I just went through all six pages, and this hasn't been asked. In the scene where the dwarf limo driver picks a fight with Charlie, he pulls out some sort of metal handle and then *extends* a rod out of it and uses that to beat the crap out of poor Charlie (starting with his knees, as that's all he can reach at first). It looks like a *very* effective blunt weapon, especially since it starts out compact but ends up being like almost like a small baseball bat (but better for beating somebody up with, lol).

What I want to know is, what is that thing? Is that some sort of standard self-defence weapon that people can get, or was it just made up specifically for this movie? I'm in Canada, so if it *does* exist, is it available only in the U.S., or is it available in Canada too?

Just curious about that thing, and surprised that no one has asked about it yet ... Any help would be appreciated! Thanks guys! :-)


it is a "Flail" or "Nunchaku" style weapon and weapons like that are illegal in a lot of countries as they are quite brutal see a certain Farley brothers more for a demonstration. Oh and they are illegal in dear old Canada


It's just an expandable baton.


At first it looked like an expandable baton but later on the way he was using it the looked like nunchuks.


He uses both.


those are illegal!

Scooter? what have u done to me?
