Any theater walk-outs?

I saw this movie in the theater with a friend of mine back in the summer of 2000 about a week after it opened. We were both around 25 and caught a weekday matinée showing. We figured the theater would be mostly empty, with a few other college age and young adults in there who enjoyed movies like Kingpin. But as we entered the theater it was full of young mothers and their little kids (ranging in age from about 3-8).

I guess people didn't read the reviews, consider the R rating, or know much about the Farrelly brothers and thought, "Oh how nice, Jim Carrey made another movie. He's the guy who makes all those silly faces! The kids enjoyed Ace Ventura, The Mask, and Liar Liar. Let's go see it together!".

When the film began there were about 60 people in the theater. By the time we got to the scene where Charlie loses it and becomes Hank for the first time, everyone in the theater had walked out except for me, my friend and this one mother who had a sleeping baby in a stroller and a five year old son seated next to her. She was laughing hysterically the whole time, which was just as amusing as the movie itself.

Did anyone else see this in the theater and have a similar experience? Or any similar experience with other movies that people assumed would be kid-friendly because of the cast, but it clearly wasn't.


I worked in a theater when this movie came out. No film has ever received more complaints about the adult material. We would patiently explain that the film was rated R, which did nothing to assuage them. Eventually we started reminding people at the box office about the rating. Not a single person was deterred. Once, the exact same gentleman with young kids who I warned at the counter came back half an hour later complaining about how raunchy the movie was. When I told him that the film was rated R he said, "but Jim Carrey just stuck a dildo in his ass!"




That's hilarious


naw, I enjoyed it multiple times though Jim obviously has better ones.
