You sure make assumptions about people you don't know.
In any case, you are sadly a bit correct as well - people aren't upset that cows get slaughtered, tortured and treated badly and painfully in slaughterhouses (how could it be otherwise?).
People are upset being TOLD about it (or SHOWn something like that, even in a movie).
Just in case you are wondering, I have not eaten animals since I found out about the cruelty industry behind the food plate - I had no idea how horrible it all was, and never really thought the terrifying reality behind 'eating animals' - to me, it was just 'substance you buy from a store' and that was the end of story.
The 'people eat animals' was just a 'philosophical argument' until I saw the horrifying reality and I haven't wanted to touch an animal product ever since.
So not everyone 'probably eats steaks', try to leave room for people being vegetarians and vegans in your worldview.
Also, animals, steaks, hamburgers, etc. are not 'tasty' - what you are tasting is not the flesh, but spices, seasonings, condiments and so on and whatnot. If you REALLY thought animal flesh is tasty, you could eat raw meat and enjoy its bloody, slightly ureaic taste, and THAT would be 'tasty' to you.
What you are describing as 'tasty', is the PROCESSING that has been done to the flesh, and that same processing could be done to tofu or any ethical substance just as well, and it would taste the same.
So you are wrong in describing steaks, hamburgers or animals as 'tasty', because the taste doesn't come from the animals, the flesh, or the torture, pain, terror and fear the animal goes through before your plate is unethically decorated with someone's muscles that some evil a-hole, who had no right, murdered an innocent animal brutally and painfully so they could tear their flesh out of their previously alive body just so you could lie about its taste.