MovieChat Forums > Bicentennial Man (1999) Discussion > The Second Worst Movie I've Ever Seen

The Second Worst Movie I've Ever Seen

Very depressing - many people die throughout
Literally no point to the movie
Waste of Robin Williams
Tries to be poigant about life and the human condition and fails

Movie is a giant waste of time period.


im a big fan of robin ,, never watched this flim but will check it out,,, tell me whats this movie about


Huh, your name is Batman and you said you're a big fan of Robin.


lol!!! hilarious :D))


It took me 5 years to find this post, but I'm glad I finally got here. Genius!


You are to be imprisoned; your review was immaterial.

1) Very depressing - many people die throughout

Really? That is idiotic to state, AND it's NOT a criterion for a good movie.
The creature in "Jeepers Creepers" succeeded at the end of that movie.
"On the Beach" with Gregory Peck was depressing, but good.
The movie with Russell Crowe playing a mathematician with a mental illness
was depressing, but good.

2) Sure there is a point to the movie, but you're too ignorant to understand.

3) Waste of Robin Williams? Really?
He acted very well, and he stretched himself.

~I can sing better than Taylor Hicks!


try "Jack" it's worser.



You must really love this movie because you are all over this board.

Lastly, the pacing of this movie is slow. Add that to my list of complaints.

Also, its not stupid to not-like the movie because every single character grows old and dies.



Ishtar was no better, believe me.

Sit down, Shut up or I'll throw my stiletto at you.



I loved the Harry Potter movies! Pure Fantasy..Fiction...Very entertaining!!! Please leave Harry Potter alone!! LOL



You don't have to like it, but don't attack it. Harry Potter is really good and very popular. You are allowed to like what you like; Science fiction is really great. But you don't have to be a dick because you don't care for fantasy.

Please stop watching stupid evil garbage!! LOL this stuff isn't even sutible for kids, let alone adults, don't be so brainwashed and suckered into such a waste of time,

That is close minded, especially coming from a Trekkie.

You have one of least subtle tastes in jewelery I have ever seen in a woman!!!



Two wrongs don't make a right. I'm sure you don't like people assailing what you really love. It's simple as that. And You can not deny it, it' a pure truth.
I've never been much of a Star Trek fan,but I know it's a favorite to many because of it's fan-base, so I don't call it crap and I never attack it. It's live and let live. I personally like Harry Potter. Many people find it to be entertaining and well thought out, myself included.

It may be crap to you, but don't spew a bunch of BS. It's not crap to everyone.
One should never close their mind, that just creates prejudice and narrow minded thinking.

I don't want you to lie, I just don't want you drawing unnecessary parallels and saying people shouldn't watch it, because it's as I said, unnecessary!
You can share your opinion, I don't mind, You don't like Harry Potter but you don't need to go further and attack it.

Thaaaaaat's all!

You have one of least subtle tastes in jewelery I have ever seen in a woman!!!


You must believe that Robin Williams cannot play any role than the slapstick family comedy, heck you probably hate Patch Adams.

This movie was mis advertised, that much is certain, if it was labeled as a drama, then it probably would have gotten much higher scores. I think critics automatically deduct two points from every movie labeled a "comedy".


All due respect but this movie blows Benjamin Button out of the frickin' water. Period.

You know what happens in Benjamin Button? NOTHING! At best it's a twisted romance mixed with some science fiction that turns the concept of age and aging on its head. But otherwise, it's a horrible, boring story.

This movie turns mortality and humanity on its head and does so with humor, a better love story, and a better sense of an epic life. Benjamin Button more or less leaves no impact on the world. Andrew revolutionizes organ transplants and aging for humans, enables the humanization of robots, and involves in a massive world court decision, twice.

I still see "B.B." more like a slight sci-fi twist on a "Great Expecations" -derived storyline. This movie is at least very original and derived from a master of robotic vision - Asimov.

Aristophanes once wrote, roughly translated...


I was going to write a response, but decided not to bother.
See, I think that people who didn't like this film, either
(A) Can not/ will not "read between the lines", and see through to the dichotomy faced by Andrew, and the sacrifices he forces himself to face and make, which are the means to the end; the resolution of said dichotomy. OR
(B) Do see/ realise the above, but just don't care, and still don't like the movie.

For those in the first category, no amount of poking/ prodding/ cajoling is going to make them see and understand the movie through "our" eyes. For those in the second category, there's no point, as this clearly isn't for them, anyway.

Still, I should like to say this: For those who do not/ can not bring themselves to enjoy this movie, you are robbing yourselves of a wonderful experience. But then again, perhaps I'm only saying that because I'm such a fan of Aasimov's work...

I always have, and perhaps always will give this movie a 10/ 10.

Peace out.


I agree!! I also like B.B though.


The review by quball87 is in one word: lame...I for one liked the movie. The movie brought up interesting ideals, emotions and I thought it was entertaining. It was sad at times, but isn't life? This film celebrated "Being Human". Robin Williams is such a talented actor. I enjoy just about anything he plays in. Speaking of Wastes of time: Any of the SAW movies...Very depressing..many people die throughout.


Woah woah chillax man. Yes, the movie brought up interesting ideals but is also ripe with plot holes, ridiculousness, a depressing/overly-long tone - I could go on.

Aside from the obvious, why does the audience care about Andrew? Because he's a robot that wants to be human? That seems to be the only evidence. If I don't care about the Andrew Martin character then I don't care about his quest. I def didn't find the Portia character to be likeable at all.

Also you bring up Robin Williams's acting ability in your response. I for one am a huge fan of Robin Williams (why do you think I watched this movie?) and enjoyed watching him in the film. It's just the plot, characters, storyline, tone and just general BS I had a problem with.

Lastly your line: "it was sad at times, but isn't life?"

Yes life is very sad at times and yes movies and TV can be sad too. But at the end of the day, unless you're watching a documentary, for the most part movies and TV are meant to be an ESCAPE from life - especially in the Science Fiction genre (Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Terminator - I could go on). Otherwise pretty much every romantic comedy would never get made.


This is a thinking person's movie, as was the short story. It's a beautiful film filled with good acting and poignant and interesting subject matter.

If this robot film doesn't float your boat, watch the Terminator series again. Those robots kill people every five minutes or so, and you don't have to think too much to enjoy them. Seriously. :)


This a decent movie, but to even try and compare to the first two Terminators is a joke. Really and truly comparisons are pointless because one is action/sci-fi/horror, and the the other is sci-fi/comedy/drama. But let's not forget there's a reason why those films are widely considered two of the best ever made, and Bicentennial Man was a decent but forgettable family film. Look at the ratings for further proof.

The problem with Bicentennial Man is that it doesn't really know if it wants to be comedy or drama, and that wouldn't be a problem if it succeeded at either which it doesnt. For instance, we are told 12 years has passed since Andrew left the Martin home, and all of the sudden Sam Neil is dying and the Andrew comes to be by his side. How can we possibly be affected by such a thing when for us, merely 10 seconds have passed. 12 years is such a long time but the impact of that is completely lost.

There were some great scenes in the movie, but overall it was really nothing spectacular.



I think this is a fantastic movie. Obviously only tnose who are filled with great compassion can truly appreciate such a film as this.

LIZ 10:“I’m the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule.”--Doctor Who

