MovieChat Forums > Family Guy (1999) Discussion > I wish Stewie was explained better

I wish Stewie was explained better

Why can he talk, but other babies can't? Why can some people understand him, but not others? Why can Lois occasionally understand him, e.g. in the scene where Peter says he doesn't like The Godfather? And why do people fail to even literally see some of the things he does? For example, when Stevie draws pictures of him killing Lois, her and his teacher think the only problem is Peter isn't in them.


Well, it don't make much sense, but it sure is funny sometimes.


Originally the joke was he is a super genius evil baby but only the family dog can understand him. Later on they sometimes forget that but still most of his interaction is with Brian.






It's a lot like Jon and Garfield. They're human and cat, and only the human can talk, but somehow Jon seems to often understand Garfield's damn THOUGHT BUBBLES! (So not only can Jon understand what an animal is saying, but also, can read their minds!)

Other times, it's played like Jon can't see, hear or understand what Garfield is 'saying' (or thinking).

I would love to see or draw the Garfield comic with 'realism', so that Garfield would never do anything wacky, but Jon's reactions would be the same. Jon would simply hallucinate Garfield being as versatile and humanized as he is in the original comics; in real life, the cat would be 100% animal, and not be able to think in human language or do most of the stuff he does in the comics.

I think this would reveal just how insane Jon is, and how we're forced to share his insanity in the comics (which do not make much sense anyway).
