MovieChat Forums > Family Guy (1999) Discussion > Why do they explain every cutaway joke n...

Why do they explain every cutaway joke now?

Here's what I mean..

There could be a scene where Peter is in a cutaway and the joke is right in front of our face. The reference they use, or the gag is obvious. Yet Peter will turn to the camera and explain the joke.

"Yes, this is a deer humping my leg"
"I want you to honestly tell me what's wrong with this scene"
"These arent actually my kids; and we are not wrestling. we are actually fighting.."

They have completely become lazy with their jokes. and it seems like they are trying too get the younger, newer fans to understand the references and stuff


Why do you care about the lazy cutaways? It always been like that since 2008. So they're different. The fourth wall reference jokes aren't all bad.


I was simply asking a question. It's not as funny as it once was.


So what? As long as other viewers get the joke then it's funny overall.


I noticed this too, it's annoying. "I'm very easily influenced by music."

Season 14 was quite a drop in quality.


I really hate it when they do that. It's different with the last example you used because that's a reference to Stand by Me and some of the audience probably won't understand what's going on. They know it's a reference to something, but it needs some kind of context.

But when they do a Little Mermaid joke where Ariel wishes for human legs, sees Joe's legs and starts eating them like a shark would, then says "It was the fish part of me that wanted them," it just goes to show how much the writing and comedy has declined over the years.

You don't have to explain what we just saw. WE KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING.

