My Brian vs Quagmire episode idea
this one involves another valentines day episode of family guy with Quagmire insulting Brian countless of times all day for being the only dog having sex with female human beings, until he came across finally with a female dog whose is pretty hot and stuff and asked brain out sometime for valentines day. Meanwhile Quagmire gets drunk out his mind during the drunken clam's lusty valentines day party after Peter offers Quagmire some college money from Meg, if he does something awesome and daring like drink the biggest jug of keg being held by one woman with ginormous boobs with a funnel in between her breasts and so he dared done it, and so the rest of peter along with his gang and had an awesome time. later that night as quagmire was walking home all tipsy he comes across with one of what he doesn't know of is Brian's sexy canine girlfriends and cased to go sexually *beep* of joy and caused bestiality rape. as soon as Brian arrives with his new canine girlfriend who happens to be a pet owned by a millionaire family who moved into Quahog and was finally going to nail it there was Quagmire done *beep* up, His girlfriend violated, and Brian MAJORLY PISSED. He stormed out of the room willing to see Quagmire in Court once Brian gets a lawyer. Later the next day he hires a lawyer who happens to be the devil in disguise, he offers brian the help to sue Quagmire on behalf of his girlfriend's rich family if he offers Brian his soul. Despite what Brian realized he had a rotten life he rather do it before he goes to hell along with quagmire after the deal is sealed. But Peter, The rest of the griffins Joe and Cleveland begged Brian not to sue Quagmire with the lawyer devil Brian deal with he and Quagmire could be decedent to hell after the court is dismissed. at court the judge fully find in favor of the plaintiff sueing Quagmire but in order to put things back to normal brian challenges the devil to a contest (as you do) The devil chooses Family Double Dare or in hell the call it Family double damned. so after the devil's defeat Both Brian and Quagmire go about their separate ways outside of the courthouse after a reconciliational hand shake while brian and quagmire say negative comments in their minds on each others throughts, but someday after that scary-ass'd debacle with the devil they will maybe bury the hatchet