MovieChat Forums > Family Guy (1999) Discussion > High School English: rank the segments f...

High School English: rank the segments from best to worst

The Great Gatsby: This was just brilliant, I laughed like there was no tomorrow in the first seven minutes.

Of Mice And Men: Really good. Meg playing the part of a slutty wife was great, although it's disappointing that she died.

The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer And Huckleberry Finn: Pretty good, but it had some flaws. Felt way too rushed, and Tom himself was barely given anything to do.


As soon as I saw the description of this episode, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. And it was as bad as I feared. They only thing that could have made it worse is if they did a lot of singing and dancing.

Gatsby was probably least objectionable. Finn was good because it was short. I wished Lenny would have shot George earlier.

Although I prefer the straight up funny episodes, I sort of liked the one they did based on Stephen King novels.


I loved all 3 equally.
