Idea for an episode
This idea is not fully fleshed out yet, just to warn you guys, but today as I was driving in my car, I formed an idea for an episode in my head. Here's the basic premise as of now:
* This episode is entitled: "I-dead-tity" (a play on "Identity")
* Peter, Quagmire, Joe and Cleveland are all overworked from their respective jobs and feel like they're not paying enough to be able to account for the mountains of bills and other expenses they're dealing with. After Peter hears from Joe that one of Bonnie's relatives has passed away due to an accident and many people are giving them money out of sympathy and legal settlements, Peter realizes that a person could theoretically make more money if they are dead then alive.
* The four decide to fake their deaths to receive piles of sympathy money for their families and from the ensuing lawsuits. They fake their deaths by paying a truck driver to pretend to hit them. After their supposed deaths, the Griffins, Quagmires, Swansons and Browns start receiving truckloads (literal) of money to make up for the supposed tragedy.
* Now on the run unable to return to Quahog, the four decide to settle in Beverley Hills. Realizing how much money the stunt made for their families, the four decide to open up an under the table "Identity Eraser" business where they destroy people's legal documents, making them legally dead.
* After months of living in relative paradise with their money, the four hear that crime rates have been skyrocketing all over the country due to the criminals' identities being legally deceased, so it's impossible to apprehend them. Hearing of a planned attack on Quahog, the four are incredibly guilty for their actions and decide to make things right by traveling back to town and fixing their wrong.
* In a parody of your typical action movie, the four defeat the "legally dead" criminals and are hailed as heroes, but....
* The four still go to jail for a couple of months for their actions. Though sad that their venture resulted in them landing in prison, Peter remarks: "Well, at least we'll get royalties from one of those pretentious Netflix biopics when we're out!" and the episode ends.
This idea isn't complete yet so I still have some work to do on it. Regardless, feel free to give constructive feedback.