Brian questions!

1. Why is Brian trying to convince Peter to move on from Quagmire's pocket-dialed conversation when Brian and Quagmire hate other?

2. In "Peternormal Activity", Stewie tries to get rid of Brian's glasses and in the end, smashes them in his eyes with a baseball bat. In "American Gigg-olo", Stewie gets Brian fired from his hardware store job. Why would Stewie do those things to Brian if they are best friends?

3. Will Brian ever stand up against Quagmire for treating him like *beep*


I hope Brian stands up to Quagmire. Him hating Brian is just lame.

Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan


by codylovesmovies-283-327050 (Sat Nov 5 2016 14:41:34)
1. Why is Brian trying to convince Peter to move on from Quagmire's pocket-dialed conversation when Brian and Quagmire hate other?
Like he said in the episode, if Peter confronted Glenn it would ruin their friendship and he's expressed interest in Lois for years. If you want to read into the episode, perhaps it's also because Brian used to have unrequited love for Lois so he knows what it feels like to be interested in your best friend's woman.
2. In "Peternormal Activity", Stewie tries to get rid of Brian's glasses and in the end, smashes them in his eyes with a baseball bat. In "American Gigg-olo", Stewie gets Brian fired from his hardware store job. Why would Stewie do those things to Brian if they are best friends?
Two reasons I can think of, First, Brian was acting like a douche & Second, Stewie doesn't like change, so if Brian remains exactly the same it makes Stewie happy.
3. Will Brian ever stand up against Quagmire for treating him like *beep*
He did cheat him in a real estate deal, that should count, plus their animosity has really been one sided for the most part. Just because someone doesn't like you doesn't mean you have to actively dislike them back, perhaps Brian is being the bigger person by letting him just stew in his own negativity. Although the real answer is no one knows. If the writers think it would be a good idea, sure they'll revisit their tumultuous relationship.


Yeah, he cheated Quagmire in a real estate deal, but got his teeth knocked out in return. How about actually kicking his ass or something for ruining his life? I also like to know how he managed to have teeth again in the following episodes and how he can still see despite all that glass in his eyes from Stewie?


Yeah, he cheated Quagmire in a real estate deal, but got his teeth knocked out in return. How about actually kicking his ass or something for ruining his life? I also like to know how he managed to have teeth again in the following episodes and how he can still see despite all that glass in his eyes from Stewie?
How has Glenn ruined Brian's life? Unless you mean he ruined his real estate career.
As for Brian's teeth & the glass... it's due to the law of 'Cartoon Restoration', where everything returns to normal in the next episode, or if you prefer a real explanation, easy. The money Brian made in real estate, specifically the commission from Glenn's purchase, he bought new teeth & the injuries caused by the glass healed by the next episode.


As for Brian's teeth & the glass... it's due to the law of 'Cartoon Restoration', where everything returns to normal in the next episode,



Didn't Quagmire pay for Brian's teeth when he first got them? The new teeth are what led to the real estate gig and Brian ripping him off. He wouldn't have gotten the job if it weren't for Glen paying for his teeth to begin with.


Brian asked Quagmire why he hated him so much and he went off on Brian. I can't remember the episode but he gave him a long list of reasons why. I love that he hates Brian.


i want brian or stewie to kill quagmire in an accidental chain reaction


You got your wish.

In "Back to the Pilot", Frogmire was killed by Joe due to the events that Stewie and Brian set in motion.


I meant in human form
