MovieChat Forums > Family Guy (1999) Discussion > Plagiarism of South Park's Caitlyn Jenne...

Plagiarism of South Park's Caitlyn Jenner joke

SP, 2015: PC Principal gives Kyle detention for not thinking that CJ is "stunning and heroic."

FG, 2016: Man is imprisoned by social justice police for not thinking that CJ is "brave and beautiful."

And we all know that Seth MacFarlane doesn't like trans people anyway, with his portrayals of Ida Quagmire and Auntie Mama.


So? They made fun of Bruce/Caitlin jenner in season 12


I thought the repeated phrase from South Park was "Stunning & Brave"?
Anyway... I was wondering when [or if] this was going to be mentioned. Artie Johann must have watched that episode.
We all know Seth doesn't like trans people? This is news to me. How has Ida Quagmire been shown derogatorily?
People have said unkind things to & about her, 'you may use the yard', 'Brian threw up because you were a monster', 'she's just a dumb drag queen', but Ida hasn't been portrayed in any negative light, that I recall anyway.
Now as for Auntie Momma, I could be wrong of course, but Momma's not transsexual.
Auntie Momma is Uncle Kevin, who decided to dress as woman to give Donna a strong female role model and just kept doing it. If anything Kevin is a transvestite not transsexual.


Seth DEFINITELY hates trans people, particularly trans women.

1) Brian threw up for 30 seconds straight after he discovered his conquest is transgender.

2) Freight Train threw up for 30 seconds straight after he discovered his conquest is transgender.

3) In Ted 2, Ted says to John, "There are no such things are chicks with dicks, only guys with tits."

4) Seth has repeatedly stated that Brian is essentially himself in dog form.

Momma clearly is a trans woman, as she has presented herself as female full-time even when not around Donna. Just ask Earl Campbell!

Being trans myself, I know of what I speak.


Momma clearly is a trans woman, as she has presented herself as female full-time even when not around Donna. Just ask Earl Campbell!
Well in all fairness, [as far as I recall the show] we never saw Kevin's full time life so who knows what he dresses like at home. We only saw him visiting Donna, aside from a lone flashback, so of course Kevin was always going to be dressed as Auntie. He's not going to walk around as Kevin when she's not home & then make a mad dash to change when her car drives up.
Ignoring the fallacy of attributing every joke & line as coming directly from Seth & not the writers of the respective episodes, going by your logic, Seth must also love drugs, child molestation, bestiality, rape & hates AIDS patients, stroke victims, Michael J. Fox & Republicans [although that one admittedly, might not be far from the truth].

I certainly can't convince you he doesn't actually hate transsexuals but believing what characters say in a cartoon or a movie about a talking teddy bear are the personally held beliefs of an individual doesn't seem very logical.


How has Ida Quagmire been shown derogatorily?
Well, she did sleep with a dog!


Well, she did sleep with a dog!
If you're a woman in Quahog, you occasionally sleep with a dog.
It's what you do.


Brian did say he's licked his share of peanut butter.


Wait what's wrong with not liking Trans "people"?


Because we f$%#ing exist, tard boy!


Brian is closer to Seth's personality, but it's not like Brian hated trans people. He just isn't attracted to it.



We are not an "it." And it is Seth's overall portrayal on his shows that reveals him to be a trans-hater, not just Brian.


Hmm... not being for it doesn't mean being against it, just being neutral.

But if someone would tell me "you're either for us or against us" then I'd probably choose the later only because f... them.


Btw: Seth makes fun of pretty much everything, so welcome to the club... you are accepted...

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


Now you're making fun of tards. The hypocrisy etc.


They didn't really steal it, as Caitlyn was receiving all types of praise for being stuffing and beautiful and also "brave" when she first transitioned and stepped out into the media.

I'm sure all of that money from the magazines, interviews, tv spots, and her Realty Show made it a little easier to be "brave" about it, and to my knowledge, he still hasn't fully transitioned, so it's completely reversible.




No he only wrote 2 episodes. You forgot that he has a whole group of people who exactly write the episodes.



OH, a sarcasm detector.

That a REALLY useful invention!


by mr-ella_guru (Wed Nov 16 2016 08:00:48)
Because as we all know, Seth writes every episode himself.
by checkiec (Wed Nov 16 2016 22:06:25)
No he only wrote 2 episodes. You forgot that he has a whole group of people who exactly write the episodes.
I know sarcasm doesn't always translate online, but come on, that was as obvious as green text, plus Seth is credited for writing three episodes, as well as the Seth & Alex Almost Live Comedy Special.


Damn I forgot about that. My fault.


I know sarcasm doesn't always translate online, but come on, that was as obvious as green text
The text is green? I thought it was more of an olive.


People still watch South Park?


The brothers that made the Matrix are ladies now! They're ladies!


That was hilarious XD.


Goodnight gender-transitioned co-worker we had a whole meeting about.
