1.Serialized storylines 2.Intellectual jokes 3.Less random gags 4.More character development 5.Different dynamics 6.Major diverse communities 7.Salvaging Main characters personalities 8.Current events about the latest topics 9.Predictions of the future 10.Unexpected twists 11.Better continuity 12.Make the recurring characters more involved 13.Get ahead of time by at least 2 years 14.Every main or recurring character get fair share in their roles 15.Avoid bad plots at all cost 16.Smarter well-written plots 17.Depthness 18.Seriousness 19.Heartwarming moments 20.No Status Quo 21.New impressive writers with actual talent 22.Better showrunner 23.No political crap 24.New ideological imagination 25.Continue the rest of the series without cutaways 26.Grade triple A plus seasons for now on. 27.Primetime emmy awards or global Emmy awards etc 28.Unique places 29.Likability and lovable tearjeakers. 30 Rewatchable episodes again.
At least I have ideas to make the damn show better unlike you deuceswild513. The Manatee Jokes are very accurate about The family guy writers and Seth needs actual talented writers who still care for the characters not these hacks.
At least I have ideas to make the damn show better
Eh... that's debatable. I've seen 2 of your ideas as potentially interesting but what you mostly have are ideas that have no real meaning or ideas that when expanded on don't have enough substance to expand to a 22 minute episode or simply make no sense. For instance listing 30 things Family Guy should do that South Park has [supposedly] done & then saying they aren't copying SP. That's quite a grasp on logic you have there.
1.Serialized storylines The last two seasons haven't exactly been met with overall admiration according to the posts on the SP board so No. 2.Intellectual jokes They've had those & I have to ask, what great intellectual jokes has SP done recently? Caytlin Jenner running over people, Garrison raping Donald Trump to death? Those? 3.Less random gags South Park doesn't have random gags so technically they can't have less than SP. 4.More character development I don't see how they can be developed anymore. 5.Different dynamics What does that mean? 6.Major diverse communities What does that mean? Are you referring to SP's major diverse community with the one black family? 7.Salvaging Main characters personalities What does that mean? 8.Current events about the latest topics Not possible. 9.Predictions of the future South Park has never predicted the future. 10.Unexpected twists How that would improve anything. 11.Better continuity They have continuity when it matters. Just as SP had before the last 2 seasons. 12.Make the recurring characters more involved I don't see a problem with that. 13.Get ahead of time by at least 2 years South Park hasn't done that. Unless I'm mistaken, the kids are still the same age and have only ever advanced one grade in school. 14.Every main or recurring character get fair share in their roles What does that mean? 15.Avoid bad plots at all cost Every show should do that, but whose to say what's a bad plot? South Park had an episode with Randy measuring his crap. 16.Smarter well-written plots They've done that already. 17.Depthness They've done that already. 18.Seriousness They've done that already. 19.Heartwarming moments They've done that already. 20.No Status Quo But that's the nature of life. Things tend to return to normal once the 'whatever it is that interrupts it' passes, besides SP has had plenty of status quo moments. 21.New impressive writers with actual talent Whose to say they don't have talent? Although new blood isn't always a bad thing. 22.Better showrunner Eh, couldn't hurt I suppose, although FG's knows the show & characters intimately. A new one might not. 23.No political crap South Park just did an entire season's storyline about the election. 24.New ideological imagination What does that even mean? 25.Continue the rest of the series without cutaways No. That's what they're known for although fewer wouldn't be bad. 26.Grade triple A plus seasons for now on. Considering how the last 2 seasons of South Park have been received South Park has failed at that. 27.Primetime emmy awards or global Emmy awards etc There are no such things as Global Emmy Awards & that's not for FG to decide. Whether they get nominated let alone win, is out of FG & SP's control. 28.Unique places After the planet that wanted to cancel SP, what 'places' have been unique to South Park? 29.Likability and lovable tearjeakers. FG has likability & when has SP EVER done a tearjerking episode? I can think of three FG episodes that could be considered 'tearjerkers' in the loosest sense of the term & assuming one could be moved to tears by FG which frankly I think is impossible. 30 Rewatchable episodes again. They have those now.
by checkiec (Thu Dec 29 2016 07:32:41) Post Edited: Thu Dec 29 2016 07:52:32
I meant they need more high rated episodes than southpark. The show needs to be a lot smarter to get golden globes wins and many other awards.
The Golden Globes don't give out awards for animated TV shows, so Family Guy will never get a Golden Globe. Sure the Hollywood Foreign Press Association could nominate it for Best Comedy Series but that's not very likely. Besides that, why do they need to get more awards? Do you really think Seth, Matt, Trey, Matt Groening, Loren Bouchard & other creators make their shows solely to win awards? That's asinine. FG doesn't NEED to get awards to prove they're still a good show.
Well other people on Facebook and reddit constantly complain how the show's been going downhill and stuff.
Oh my... people on facebook & reddit... goodness, well I guess that makes it official, after all, they can't put anything on the Internet that's not true. Seriously though, like Peter said ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gutCFMc5khY. You said the show is still great. I think the show is still great. That's all that matters.
Look family guy is still great but if they want their old fans back, the show really needs to bounce back up to it's original state with a new balance.