MovieChat Forums > Family Guy (1999) Discussion > Best episode in a good while.

Best episode in a good while.

Loved thie weeks episode, especially how the two stories converged at the end, it's not that usual for the show and was done very nicely.

Many great jokes, really funny stuff.

"It's ok to play with dolls!"


Yeah FG's charm is coming back.


Was calling Peter and the gang Grover a Sesame Street reference?

Steve Harris of Iron Maiden is a Brony


Look, I'm a Patriots fan so anytime they're referenced on the show I love it, but I just didn't enjoy this. Rob Gronkowski didn't work. The Tom Brady episode was much better in my mind.

The bee storyline with Stewie and Brian wasn't bad though.


Hey Grover, catch!!


It wasn't as good as last week's episode but it was still pretty funny


The first episode since the break was actually not that bad. Too bad the latest episode couldn't follow up with the same quality. It was pretty bad imo.

Damn, I'm thirsty, I want a beer! What about you, you want a beer?!


It's unfortunate Seth is a Patriots fan. I could do without that. Other than making fun of Belichick no one cares outside of New England.
