Family Guy war on catholics? Why?
I understand making jokes about the catholic religion can be funny. But why the focus on targeting catholics specifically?
Before you rant, I was a fan of Family Guy way back before it was on Fox a second time, back when it was a new show on the Cartoon Network after midnight on Adult Swim, and back before that too.
Secondly before you rant, I don't believe in god. However I do help out the local catholic church because despite the pedophile bad press I do support the charities donations to the church go to which is mostly help for new immigrants, social help like poverty, homelessness, hungry children and women's services like domestic or other abuse etc etc.
Lastly the pedophile cases don't represent the entire church and the good they do. Covering it up was wrong but Volkswagon covered up their emissions results, Ford let people die instead of recalling Pintos, companies payoff doctors to sell dangerous drugs etc etc, there's bad apples in every bunch. Do you throw away all your apples because one or two have worms?
I just think some of the good the church does should be shown too. Family Guy is a HUGE cultural influence and it's hurting these charaties that just seek to help the less fortunate.
Technically we don't need charities in theory because our taxes are supposed to be redistributed back to society but politicians are theives, so someone has to help the poor.