Seth's 40th Account

Did anyone else think that in that the scene where he closed his 40th account for Greg that Seth was actually in the wrong? It seemed pretty clear to me, they all needed to close 40 accounts for their team lead, and then they went out on their own, meaning all 40 accounts are Greg's, and number 41 is Seth's. Even though as Chris said they could bend the rules as he had done, who would actually expect that, and then say *beep* you!" over it? I understand that he was maybe fed up with Greg, but I think that was the wrong time to try to stick up for himself.


it was common, though. Chris says "i gave each one of my guys their 40th"... so basically, if you didn't give your trainee his 40th, you were being a dirtbag. Combined with the fact that Seth had made Greg more money than any other trainee, it was a BIG slap in the face that Greg didnt give him number 40

"Its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything" -Tyler Durden


"it was common, though. Chris says "i gave each one of my guys their 40th"... so basically, if you didn't give your trainee his 40th, you were being a dirtbag."

See I guess that's where I disagree. All we know is that they're not supposed to do it, it's against the rules. Chris did happen to bend the rules for his guys, but I don't think that makes it the standard. And the thing about it was that Greg was usually such a jerk, but for some reason in that scene he comes off really nice, he was just smiling kinda like, "Hey, sorry I can't, rules are rules." I mean technically it's his account and his money. Although I do totally agree on the earning thing, and Seth closed them all faster than anyone else.


sorry, but you are totally misreading greg in that scene. watch it again. everything greg says is by the book, but the way he says it indicates he's taking pleasure in robbing seth of his big moment.

"hate to rain on your your victory parade, but thats your 40th account"

"thats right, i'm out of the jr brokerage firm, i dont work for you no mo"

"that's true, you're out, but (smiling) that account's mine"

"no, f-that, i keep the 40th"

"no. you don't."

Greg's "rules are rules" b.s. is just him trying to look legit in front of the whole boiler room, and even chris sees right through it - that's why he calls greg out.

and also, you have to remember, that the entire shop operates on a BENDING of the rules. This is especially apparent to the senior guys.

When Greg is on good terms with Seth, he tells him it's ok to break the rules. I.e.

Greg - "be anyone you want. be the f'in vice president. just get the c-sucker on the line"

seth - "but wait, how can i do that. isn't there a compliance officer or something"

greg - "nah, man, are you kidding me? everyone does that sh*t. You talkin about John? that guys a chimp, he works for us"

but when Greg is pissed at Seth, or sees that Seth is excelling, he feels jealous and threatened by him i.e., yelling at seth for handling his own recos, snapping at him when they are out celebrating seth's series seven score, and finally, not giving seth his 40th account.

"Its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything" -Tyler Durden


Nice, a lot of really good points dude. I'll have to watch it again and pay more attention to Greg.


And don't forget the one thing that really pissed him off about Seth....

Seth hooking up with Abby! Nothing makes a Big Swinging "Richard" like
Greg, embarrassed or his ego diminished, and his reputation threatened
than to have another guy....especially a new kid on the block,
come in and take your Woman!



haha, well either way this helped Harry get his money back in the end. Remember when seth is trying to convince Michael to allow him to give harry the IPO for MedPatent? I think Michael says yes because of the point that Seth makes about Greg.

Seth: No wonder this guy [harry] is pissed off, his own broker [greg] doesn't even know who he is.

Greg has that client (harry) because it was seth's 40th! So, in the end, him taking Seth's 40th just gave seth the power to earn Harry his money back.


Greg was a prick, to be sure, but I think that it was wrong of Seth to assume that he would get the 40th account. If I was in his shoes I would assume that I wouldn't start keeping my own accounts until 41 and thereafter.


Seth assumed he'd get it because it was a common practice that the whole office would've been aware of, to give the newbie the 40th as a goodwill gesture of recognition for his achievment. Seth did his whole "Yeah right, fck you" speech because he figured Greg was just yanking his chain. He knew what Greg was saying about rules was the kind of BS a 10 year old could see through (it was obvious to the entire office what JT Marlin thought about rules), but he didn't see that Greg really meant it due to his over-competitiveness and jealousy, and because Seth was a real challenge to his status. That was what made Greg such a prick there.


This is WAY late but Harry wasn't the 40th account he got for him. We don't know who the 40th is but we do know he's a whale and Harry is certainly not a whale.


Those of you who think Greg was in the right here fail to see the fact that it was implied that it was common practice to give the 40th account to the trainee as a sort of "welcome to the big leagues, well done" gesture by the senior broker.

Maybe the movie didn't make it clear enough, but the only indication was from Vin Diesel's character saying he gave all his trainee's their 40th. That, combined with how angry Seth got at Greg about it (he even thought Greg was joking), makes it obvious that the convention of the firm (despite the rules) was to give the 40th to the trainee.

the 40 accounts thing wouldn't have anything to do with compliance anyway so it's immaterial to that, the 40 accounts thing is just the way the firm does things - giving the 40th account to the trainee wouldn't be against any compliance rules.
