I thought osmosis jones was a really cool movie. The plot was smart and the characters were cool and i think a sequel should be made (the way their making sequels with ANY movie these days). This is MY idea, Ozzy and drix should probably be accidently transported into a different body probably a pet dog who belongs to a boy called hector (from the cartoon series *hint**hint*)and in that body is like a whole new dangerous corrupt city with various dog bacterias which ozzy and drix face. In that body, they team up with an "indiana jones" type of characater who helps them to get out, but first ozzy and drix decide to help around before they do. They should make the ending something like, instead of going back into Frank's body they are accidently transported into Hector's (which is like a futuristic, kinda "kid" city with fun stuff like video games and stuff!) Which gives the idea of a part 3!

Any ideas anyone?...


Interesting idea...unfortunately, there is an episode of The show in which it shows how the partners got into Hector. It is a good idea though...sorry to rain on your parade :(

I'm you boyfriend now, Nancy--Fred Kreuger, Nightmare On Elm street



I definatly like the idea! Ozzie and Leah together is great! You should submit it to w.b lol! ^.~



I'd go for a cancer outbreak, ya know... With Battles on Lord of the Rings scale.



A virus that will spread among a whole city and maybe even further...

Leah loses Osmosis because Frank and another woman (name unknown)did a nice french kiss which made Osmosis jump from tongue to tongue or else he would have fallen. That other body will be the new wife of Frank... IF Osmosis can cure the virus with the help of his friends Drix and Leah and stop the virus from spreading all over the world.

(sorry if I spelled stuff wrong)


I like the idea of Ozzy and Leah having a kid. I would really like for Thrax to come back some how which because the went at the end it would be impossible!Also the idea of Frank getting a new wife is quite good.

OOOH! I HAVE THE BEST IDEA EVER I JUST THOUGHT OF! Mabye Thrax has a brother or sister and they know Thrax died and Thrax's brother/sister is going to try kill Frank and track down Ozzy aswell! Of course the virus in this one will be slightly different from Thrax's disease XD
