Song Help

I saw a preview of this movie, on one of the Premium channels, and there was a song played during it, that I have been trying to find out the name of, for a few years now.
Hopefully someone knows it, I'm not sure if it was in the movie, or just the channel playing it, for their preview.
The words repeated in it, many times over, sound like "Funk So Proper".
I'm not sure if those are the actual words, but that is what they sound like they are saying.
If anyone knows, a song like this, let me know the name and artist, please.
Thank you.


Maybe it's Rockafellar Skank by Fatboy Slim?

Funk soul brother.


OMG, I believe that is it.
Thank you so much.
I've spent nights upon nights, thinking about who sings it, and that's gotta be it.


There is a song in here that i need help from where it goes like "Hot blooded" and its like in the beginning of the movie. i looked up the word "Hot Blooded" in a song list thing but there is no song called "Hot Blooded". Can someone tell me what this song is called?

Triple click here and see me say hi. hi!(:


It's a remix of an old Foreigner song (Hot Blooded)
I can't find anywhere to get it though ):
