MovieChat Forums > Minority Report (2002) Discussion > How do you feel about a sequal?

How do you feel about a sequal?

The ending is left wide open for one.

It will be hard to top Speilberg. But if a respected writer and director emerge, I would put down my $15.

All sorts of things are possible, say a baddie had these precognition powers....


How do you feel about a white squall?


I never understood why a sequel wasn't made, maybe it is the intimation factor of trying to follow Mr. Speilberg.




What else is there to do?

A direct sequel would be strange since the film wrapped up the arcs of all of its main characters, including providing an epilogue for the precogs.

Other movies or stories in the same universe, prequels, mid-quels, or sequels, could be fun. There are places to go, I suppose, although with the precog program shelved, the risk would be that you'd just have CSI: Fifty Years From Now.


Not every movie needs to have a sequel.
Some stories are concluded within a single entry and there's really no need to muddle the experience with what would most likely end up being a cash-grab.

The ending is pretty conclusive, too...
You could argue the world is interesting enough to revisit (like, the aftermath of the precogs being gone), but dunno, I think turning it into a franchise would be silly.


just watch TOTAL RECALL (2012) it's close enough


Especially since they are both based on stories by the same author.




They tried doing a sequel/adaptation/expansion/whatever on the idea on TV. I never got around to watching the whole thing, so I'm not sure how good it was overall.
