Music at party

I'm trying to find out what the song was that was playing at the party at Jamal's friend's father's house. Beautiful, haunting, full orchestra. Anyone know it?


My best guess is the "Peer Raben Orchestra" playing "Satan's Brew Suite". Peer Raben was a German composer esp. known for his work in film (e.g. with Rainer-Werner Fassbinder).
There is something else I wanted to ask about the music in the film, though, so this might be the right thread to do so.

There's a lot of Miles Davis ca. "In a Silent Way" and "Bitches Brew", why did Gus Van Zandt decide to use that music, sometimes together with Bill Frisell's original guitar score? I just can't find an explanation plausible enough, as it is definitely not an "era" thing, since the film is not set in the 70s.
The scene that made me wonder was when Jamal breaks into Forrester's flat, which is accompanied by a nice mixture of Miles Davis (Concierto di Arunjez?), the TV sound and the expected "natural" sounds.


I SO hope that this will prove to be the information I have sought for several weeks! First, I was drawn to this piece because of an immediate "Ah-Ha " moment of instant pleasure. But, I was quickly distracted by the curious trumpet/violin instrument shown. So, it is good to know that this may be the answer, and I can bask in the enjoyment of the soundtrack as one savors a fine wine or scent that is pleasurable in itself, but all the better for the associations that come with the auditory experience.
