student stumbling

What's with the student reading about spring at the symposium and stumbling over his own simple words? Very awkward moment.


He was nervous.

You just have to be resigned-
You're crashing by design



to show writers aren't readers, as Forrester said?


Yes, while some writers are able to successfully read in public, many writers cannot. Forrester was correct (at least, this is how I feel), that writers write so that readers can read.

I love to write, but I am a HORRIBLE public speaker. I have had a few short stories published, and made the mistake of reading them at the ceremony held for the journal's publishing. I wish I had gotten someone else to read my stories for me.

I really felt for the kid standing up at the podium, reading his submission. Writers and aspiring writers should not be forced to read their stories in order to have them heard by others. In several of my writing courses, I was required to do a sort of book report and was FORCED to stand up in front of everyone. It was TORTURE for me every time. And every time the project was announced in my class, I would BEG the teacher not to do it (the speaking part), and EVERY TIME, I was FORCED to get up and speak in front of everyone. I understand that teachers tend to feel that practice makes perfect, and that if we just keep practising, it will get easier, please believe those of us who CANNOT do public speaking, that it does NOT get easier. It in fact gets worse because we remember the previous times we were forced to get up and speak, and it presses mercilessly upon us, and so when we get up, once again to speak in front of our classmates, we become more nervous than the last time we had to do it. I really wish that teachers would stop forcing students to do a public speaking project unless the course is titled, "Speech," or, "Public Speaking."


i agree with jeebus's explanation. forrester said that writers write and readers read. being capable of forming great sentences on paper is not synonymous with being an eloquent speaker. yeah, it WAS pretty awkward. poor kid.

Publication is a self-invasion of privacy.
-- Marshall McLuhan
