Jamal 15 years later

He probably would have qualified for a leading college and been financially set with his royalties from the Forrester sequel book "Sunset," but what else would he be doing? A successful novelist?


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


who.knows the movie wAnt written


It would actually be a cool story to have Jamal, on Forrester's recommendation, attend a top-level Eastern university (say Columbia or Princeton) and still play basketball well enough to make the NBA.

After a decent but not superstar-level NBA career, Jamal returns to Maillor-Callow as the basketball coach and an English teacher. In his spare time he also becomes a successful writer.

Maybe Jamal could then mentor a young white kid from the suburbs, who is attending prep school on an ACADEMIC scholarship, who also wants to be a good basketball player.

Just like Jamal, a tough street basketball player from the Bronx, could not get Crawford to take him seriously academically; the young kid from the suburbs might have trouble getting people to take him/her seriously in basketball.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


I feel he would have made so much money off of Forrester that he wouldn't need to do anything maybe he would write books but I think he wouldn't need basketball
