Anti-Sex or A-Sexual theme?
Anyone else find it weird that this had like an Anti-Sex or A-Sexual theme to it?
Yes I understand these are 16 year old kids, but the reality is 16 year old kids, especially in the inner city areas tend to be having sex or at least be always fantasizing about it.
At the ghetto school it was a bunch of clean cut kids not even cursing and never talking about sex. Literally every other movie about high school kids is all about sex or wanting to have sex.
Jamal pretty much is the star jock of school and real popular and even has the James Dean rebel vibe to him yet he has no interest at all in any of the girls in either school? Even Anna Paquin is totally on his D and always flirting with him and giving him the eye yet he just wants to dribble his basket ball and read and write poems?
I liked the movie but I just felt it odd that Jamal or any of the kids weren't interested in sex at all?
What was up with Jamal trying to study and hearing some girl having an orgasm next door? Was that just to show that you have to either focus on studying or have good sex you can't do both?