There was definitely talent
I wanted to pull him out of his car when he was filming the last shot of Coven and slap him hard across the face, tell him why he was a fsckin failure. I'd ask him if he wonders why it takes him 3 years to shoot a short film, then answer it. He has the dream of being in hollywood, knows that to get there he has to start small and work his way up, but he lacks a TON of passion that is needed to get anywhere in that business. If he's afraid of failing and takes so long because of that, he will fail. If he sits around drinking and watching what he's already done and constantly reflecting, he will get depressed which will make him lose his drive to proceed, which will slow him down more and make him more depressed, a vicious circle. What he needed was SOMEBODY to kick him in the ass and say to take some goddamn charge, make yourself stop wallowing and push foreward.
So besides extreme lack of passion that he seemed to get a little of near the end, his writing was veeeeery bad. Maybe not the stories he wrote, but definitely the dialogue. Cheesy lines all over. Some bad editing from what I saw.
His talent was in visuals, he definitely had "vision" with what was shot. And it did take him 3 years, but I do have to hand it to him that he got it made. And that's with little moral support from those close to him.
All he needs is maybe someone else to transcribe his stories to screenplay, and a better editor, along with some serious drive.
music videos I've made^