I loved this cartoon as a kid. But what year was this cartoon said to have taked place? I want to say the 90's. I do recall it being 3rd earth and stupified at the year when I heard it. Imagine back in the 80's, we must have sat there thinking "Wow!?!?!? 199_ , thats a longtime away!
Don't steal, the government doesn't like the competition.
Not quite. The runaway comet came through in the year 1994, causing the catastophe that remade the Earth. But, the narrationg continues, "2000 years ater, the Earth is reborn." Therefore, it must be sometime around 3994. There is a time travel episode, but I don't remember if they specify what the present year is (for Thundarr and the gang.)
I know the adventures of Thundarr & friends takes place 2000 years AFTER 1994, hence why I advised reading the entire narration in the "memorable quotes" section. But 1994 is the year the original poster was looking for. Which is what this meant:
"Imagine back in the 80's, we must have sat there thinking "Wow!?!?!? 199_ , thats a longtime away!"
Yeah its great to watch now because you can sit here and pick it apart now because you can say how did all that 1990s tech survive (let alone still function by people who didn't know to operate it) into the 40th Century! but when I was 9 yrs old it was AWESOME!
why dont ppl read the page before they ask questions???? It says right there 1994 a runaway PLANET then 2000 years later is when the show is taking place.
They never give a specific year in the show. There is one episode when they wake up some scientists from a frozen state; Ariel just says you have been frozen for about 2000 years. I do not think anyone really knows the specific date, kind of like in the Matrix.
I agree in 1980, 1994 seemed so far away. When you are seven years old, fourteen years seems like forever.