How is this....

compared to the book? The book has always been one of my favorites. I've yet to see the movie in fear that it may not be anywhere near as good, and kind of ruin it for me. Will it be worth me getting when it comes out on DVD?


This Sole Survivor is not based on a book.



Are you referring to the novel The Survivor written by one Herbert?
I still haven't read it. Though, what I've heard about this SOLE SURVIVOR, is that it's a REMAKE of an australian movie called THE SURVIVOR, which everyone says is based on the book.

I guess it's something of a cross between the Herbert novel, the classic movie Carnival of Souls, and The Survivor... plus the premise of the first Final Destination flick.




I have this movie on VHS Yes VHS. Just watched it again and the VHS Tape played good. I also read the book. I thought the movie followed it well. I just tried to look for the book but I did find an old 1983 paperback copy of Red Dragon. I need to re read that one. I will look again for Sole Surviver or what ever the book name is. When I 1st saw the movie I thought to myself that it was just like a book I read. It'll drive me nuts now if I can't find it.
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