What a crappy default pic
No kidding.
shareCrappy default pic for a crappy movie.
shareIt is not even the same movie! What a huge screwup.
sharelol that's hilarious actually.
They calls me KGSoloMan5000..
Yeah, it looks like some cheesy foreign Point Break ripoff. Are those flames?
sharelol...was that The Hoff on the cover?
shareit's a poster for a michael dudikoff movie of the same name
shareSo if you go to that page we see Keanu reeves ugly mug?
You Know My Name!http://tinyurl.com/2kb9dj&http://tinyurl.com/39zbo9
lol, this made my night! lol
When did those flames happen, after the baseball field was burned down after the final game? lol I guess I missed it.... lol
How is it possible to put the wrong movie pic, lol
AHAHHAAHHAH the tagline as well, imagine if it was the tagline for hardball..."in this game..if you dont win...you die" ahh this made my night too