Extremely overrated

The movie got a very simple message that didn't need a 2-hour movie to get it across.

What was the point of the shots being so up-close all the time? Anyone would look gross from such an angle.

OCD predator: www.goo.gl/0avZjB


Well that's just, like, your opinion man.


I wouldn't call it overrated. Believe me, I am an extreme nitpicker on overrated movies: I do not like District 9, Children of Men, or The Godfather.

I found this movie to deal with the subject of addiction to be very realistic and sad, specially with the plot of the mom. She lived a satisfactory life before her diet pills. However, because she wanted to fit into the red dress and make her son proud, she would overdose with the pills.


"make her son proud"

Jeez... I hope she simply ignores how she doesn't need to have HER son proud...


I liked it, and certainly wouldn't call it overrated.


The Basketball Diaries is miles better.



Is every movie board on IMDB required to have an 'overrated' thread?

What exactly does 'overrated' mean?


I agree. Creating such threads for every movie is definitely overrated. It means that people are dumb.
OCD predator: www.goo.gl/0avZjB


And what does that make you for creating them?


Ah ha!...touche! Silence is gold!


Not sure what anybody saw in it considering how heavy handed, witless and ultimately insightless it is. A blandly written yet ridiculously overwrought anti-drug infomercial with characters that do not feel authentic and who always seem to opt for saying the most obvious thing. And Aronofsky's over-the-top flashy visual style gets distracting before the first twenty minutes are up; the guy's just an upstart show-off who has no idea where to draw the line.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


Have you ever been a drug addicted at the bottom of society? I have and if it's one thing this movie (and the novel of which it's based) is, it's authentic. Sure, dramatised for the big screen but still.


I admire this film, too...though it's not one I rewatch very often. The casting and performances are top notch. And the film techniques it uses are very striking....as when the girlfriend seems to weirdly glide out of the building after compromising herself with her therapist.

SEE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB1ud-x_r7s

Jennifer Connelley deserved an Oscar for this performance much more than for A BEAUTIFUL MIND.

I did have a fuuny experience once when this theme music started playing in a cafe while I was having lunch. It's very distinctive and steely sounding, and does NOT exactly bring pleasant associations. I looked around the restaurant, and one other person was looking up, puzzled, from their meal as well!


And the scene where they drop Ecstasy? Masterfully done and a great representation of being on a stimulating drug. Also the amphetamine psychosis is also portrayed maybe not as it looks from outside but very much like it feels on the inside.

Nawh. Have you ever been an addict or just used drugs for recreation, you will see what a masterful piece of work it is. Usually drug films makes you want to take drugs, even Trainspotting makes heroin addiction look kinda fun, but this is about the other side of doing drugs.


good point


It can be authentic and nonetheless suck. For example, heart attack and root canal are both authentic. Authenticity is no guarantee of quality.


It doesn't suck though.


Pretty much. A shitty movie with no redeeming characteristics. Difficult to watch to the end and not in any good way.


aww, no talking animals and happy endings for you?


The movie is full of talking animals. How happy the ending is judged is a matter of personal preference.


she took it ass to ass. whats that if not a happy ending?




Personally I love the look of this film, They did such a good job with the cinematography that when the movie was over, I almost felt stoned LOL

Very well done IMO


This is extremely overrated indeed. Also, the withdrawal scenes are overplayed.


Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.


How so?


I've seen the seediest part of drug use..

The characters are all beautiful.. Including Ellen Burnstyn. That's only thing that i find an amazing paradox to real life druggies.

All of them have these beautiful teeth, they're clean, young, fresh looking, and though they don't wash their hair? They have PLENTY of it. They also look more like they've been working out with personal trainers every day, versus the emaciated drug instill weight loss you see on the average junkie.

I understand society likes watching "beautiful things"?

But i grew up in Chicago/Detroit areas. The druggies were 24 years old and they looked like they were 54+.. Their teeth are mostly gone, rotted or in dire need of repair. Hair matted, had lice, or half bald, most of the ladies would wear those Beauty supply store wigs to cover their baldness in order to prostitute themselves. They stank, had deep creases in their faces, the whole nine yards.

Regardless of the "reality" of drug addiction and what the movie conveys.. This movie has haunted me for years after watching it.. It pretty much comes close to the addictive personalities of drug addicts.
