HHH + HBKs involvement? Please Read.
This post is not here to discuss the fact that Bret got screwed because I guess its fact that he did - although I know Bret couldn't leave with the belt as it would be a financial disaster for Vince - however tjings were agreed and Vince didn't stick to those things no matter what the consequences.
What I want to discuss is whether HHH & HBK were actually in on the screw job.
My opinion and I suppose its more of a hope is that they weren't. People are saying that they were in on it because of the way they acted on the following RAW thats not enough proof in my eyes. If you watch the climax of the Survivor Series match, HBK is actually about to sell Brets sharpshooter, he is willing to let Bret reverse it, however Vince has already asked for the bell to be rung. With HBK selling this move, it suggests he was sticking to the original plan - but of course they were cut short. Now in my eyes, if HBK didn't know about the screw job, HHH certainky wouldn't - and he seems very sincere when specking to Bret's wife "swearing to God" he had no idea. Well I believe them both. HBK was sat in tears in the dressing room later, and I doubt thats out of guilt.
I'm not denying that the way they acted on the following RAW was wrong, but if you think about it, Vince decides what happens and he would have been very angry, having just been punched out by Bret. Its clear that he had also sent out a clear message to superstars that he was in charge and that no-one was bigger than him. HBK and HHH probably knew this and didn't have a choice in what they did, even though it was shallow.
If anyone has any facts or information for this post, maybe we could come to some solid conclusion.
Cheers, Ross George