In the 1940's I guess there were alot of "mixed" marriages ...There are alot of young Jewish actors in Hollywood ..Im just say'n .Why not use a Jew to play a Hasidic Jew ?
Ashkenazi Jews were one of the most-populous groups of Jews in Nazi Europe before the Holocaust. They were often blond-haired and blue-eyed: the perfect Aryan specimens.
Love isn't brains, children, it's blood...blood screaming inside you to work its will.
I've seen the same sort of posts on the "Exodus" Imdb board, re. Karen Hansen's character, who was also a blue-eyed, blond Jewish woman, and I'll say now, the same thing I said months ago: the Holocaust was not about exterminating simply Jewish people with a 'certain look' but committing genocide against a religion, a culture & community, that the demented Nazis wanted gone from Germany and Europe.
There was probably as much physical variety within the Jewish community as there were amongst their Gentile counterparts but the Nazis were fanatical about "blood" and "genetics", going so far as counting back a German citizen's family line generations to make sure it was "purely" (whatever the hell THAT is) in their words, "Aryan".
Therefore a girl like Dunst is as realistic playing a Jewish woman as someone with darker hair and eyes. I've looked at the pictures, documentaries, personal accounts of Holocaust victims and survivors, and they were often quite indistinguishable from the Germans.
The Holocaust was all about pulling off a mass delusion on the German people...a delusion that their Jewish neighbors and countrymen were vastly different and alien to them. It primed their brainwashed minds for the acceptance of mass murder.
Where did Dunst get her traits from????? Everyone in her home,town,and camp none had blue eyes straight blonde hair...
Please don't give me something like like Alicia Sliverstone being Jewish ..Her moms not Jewish and her moms Scottish ......
Some Ashkenazi Jews
Moses Isserles • Vilna Gaon • Heinrich Heine Sigmund Freud • Theodor Herzl • Gustav Mahler Albert Einstein • Emmy Noether • Lise Meitner Franz Kafka • Golda Meir • George Gershwin John von Neumann • Leonard Bernstein • Anne Frank .None seem to have blonde hair or blue eyes or straight hair for that matter..
Blonde blue eyed "shiksa" like in most Billy Crystal movies aren't Jews...
Yeah, but there are blond haired, red haired, and light-eyed Jews. It's common sense that everyone in a culture/community would not look identical to each other.
As for the fact that there weren't many blond Jews in her character's village, what does that matter? To my understanding, all it takes to have blond hair or blue eyes is for one of a person's parents to have the gene for it.
In my over fifteen years of reading personal accounts from the Holocaust, I've come across time and time again, European Jews who were survivors and also blond and/or blue eyed. Some of them even used their appearances to disappear underground and pose as "Gentile" with fake identity papers.
There are obviously blond Jews and there's plenty of documentation of blond Jews who suffered with Jews of every other appearance, during the Holocaust.
MY "freaking point" is Everyone in her home,town,and camp none had blue eyes straight blonde hair... Straight hair,eye color, dimples,cleft chin are all hereditary traits .... It seems you wouldn't end up with 1 girl in all of Poland sharing none of the family traits or anyone else ...
"To my understanding, all it takes to have blond hair or blue eyes is for one of a person's parents to have the gene for it."
Hasidic Jews DO NOT Marry out of their religion/belief system .. If they did they would be, cast out, shunned
In the 40s even in the USA if you lived in a Polish,Irish,Italian,German,ECT community. You married someone from your community. Defiantly not someone who didn't share the same background/religion .
Just because some Jews have Gentile traits ..None are in the "back in time dream" thing.
Why not Natalie Portman ..
Here is another point . This TV movie is made for kids ....So the TV movie makers didn't care. I guess I don't any more eather..
Judy Holliday her hair is not natural in any way & I have never seen a pic of her where you could tell she had blue eyes... I know its in her bio but I never seen it.
Dunst was really good. She actually looks alot like I did when i was the age of the girl in the movie. All of grandparents were Jewish BTW. From russia and Poland. You are clearly in need of some en-lightenment.
"I don’t know that I’d want to visit my brain except with a gun and a flashlight.” Don Winslow
Hasidic Jews are not a genotype. Hasidusm is a sect of Jews who started sometime only about 200 years ago in response to other Jews assimilating . As for blond blue eyed Jews not being "real" Jews, you are simply embarrassing yourself.There were plenty of blond haired blue eyed Jews, particularly in Poland. Some were able to hide themselves in plain site because the nazis had similar incorrect assumptions about what it meant to be a "real" Jew... and plenty more found themselves real enough for Hitler's ovens.
Then why in the whole dream part of the movie not one "Jew" shared Kirsten Dunst physical traits.. NOT ONE... Why doesn't one of her family,friend,and all the other "Jews" in the camp share her traits ???????? Because this movie is a made for TV movie and its cast poorly..
It doesn't matter how many shiksa "Jews" are out there.There's only one in this "movie".
But the op's point, and later yours,wasnt really about whether or not Dunst looked like her family or friends in the film. It was that she was unbelievable in the role because she was blond with blue eyes and there aren't any "real" Jews with those traits . That assertion is simply not true. There were Jews who were able to hide in plain site with false papers because other people shared your incorrect assumptions and others with those traits that were not as lucky. You are not the one who decides if someone is Jewish or not. Are you even Jewish?
I am Jewish not that has anything to do with it....The TV sh!t movie ONLY HAS ONE -------ONE PERSON IN THE CAMP, DUNST.....It makes no sense..None of Dunst family looks like any of the prisoners ....Its Dunst dream??????????? The Nazi's singeled out one fair haired person for the Star Of David.....