MovieChat Forums > Ringu (1998) Discussion > Did this movie just age really poorly?

Did this movie just age really poorly?

I ended up watching this in my search for truly scary movies, but ended up extremely disappointed. I saw The Ring when it came out and was definitely more satisfied. I got up to the part where she was investigating the village where the women committed suicide, and turned it off at that point.

This movie was stupidly slow and fast at the same time. It was slow in that little happened to keep me interested, but fast in that the movie seemed to move at a blazing pace story-wise. It felt like twenty minutes later and she was already on her second to last day. The tape itself was far too short and the longer length of the tape in the remake made it better. The worst part was that I was not scared in the least bit at any point.

I don't know whether knowing the story ruined my veiwing of the original, but I think this is a case where the remake is superior. I do give it credit for being the original, however.


I just watched it for the first time and thought both the original and remake had their strong and weak points. But I have to say what and who's she's willing to sacrifice in the original makes that ending far more sinister than in ours.


Similar thoughts, I do not think it aged poorly, just fast. It was fast Nosferatu effect, It started a popular genre, but, the body count is 2. And there is nothing scary about the way they get killed. I loved the way she comes out of the T.V. but that is about it. The remake was better in my opinion because it was a very original slasher at the time, and much faster paced with much more things going on and a higher body count, at least much more entertaining and even scarier to me.


I think it aged fantastically. I saw it recently for the first time after seeing the remake and loved it. I thought the tape was actually scarier as it felt more subdued and creepy on a psycological level. Samara's scenes already gave me chills, but Sadako's drained all the blood from my veins. The pacing never bothered me either. The scenes were eerily subdued which I liked, but they never overstayed their welcome.


It`s finely shot and the director really seems to have had a sensitive hand getting down the creepy, sinister parts. Some genuinely unsettling imagery there; a sense of unease induced by nothing more than the camera lingering on the waves, the heavy rain... not to mention a bloody TV screen so dark it seems to threaten to swallow one up. It works quite well, all in all.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I thought the remake had more of a haunting atmosphere, but the original made a lot more sense. I'll compare the two. (for reference, I saw The Ring before Ringu)

-The Ring had a longer video tape, which was a lot scarier, but the original Ringu tape was to the point and every scene contained a clue of some sort. The Ring's video tape added shots and made the clues harder to find, which definitely made it spookier, but the original tape idea made a bit more sense.

-Ryuji was a psychic, and I remember no reference to that being made in The Ring at all. When I saw Ringu and realized that, it helped explain a lot of things I was confused about

-The scene with Sadako in the room. I don't remember exactly what that scene did for The Ring, since it has been a while since I last saw it, but that scene wasn't in Ringu, and I thought it worked out nicely. Of course, it did make The Ring spookier.

Overall, I think I enjoy Ringu more, but The Ring did improve on it in some ways. The ring had more of a spooky horror atmosphere than Ringu, which I felt played out more like a drama than horror, but I didn't find either film to be scary, so I prefer the tighter storytelling in Ringu to the added atmosphere of The Ring. They both have their merits though.


What do you consider a scary movie? Honest question, not an attack. List some movies you find scary. Just out of curiosity.

Personally I don't find it outright "scary" as such but I think it has a nice creepy atmosphere and story. I like it better than the remake. I prefer movies like this to the kind of in-your-face stuff that seems to be more popular in the horror genre right now.

"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor."
- Voltaire
