Stare Out and the Genius of Barry Davies
I was never a big fan of Stare Out - it was too much like sport for my liking, and I had to watch it with my eyes closed because of the effect they used to make it look more animated - but it's grown on me. I'm surprised it's been discussed so little here.
How has Barry Davies' sublime performance gone unnoticed for so long? Phil Cornwell makes a living impersonating people; Barry Davies is a sports commentator. Yet he portrayed a fictionalised version of himself with utter conviction, never once sounding like he was reading from a script. He must have quite a sense of humour, too, to partake in his own lampooning.
I still wouldn't call myself a fan, but I look on it with a little more warmth now. In the commentary they talk about how it divided people - which side of the fence are you lot on? Do you skip to it, or skip through it?