Cops suck

This is proof that cops are scum, Rubin Carter was an innocent man framed for a crime he didn't commit just some scumbag detective pig had a VENDETTA against Carter. Scumbag cop just wanted to put an innocent man in jail for NO REASON except to make his cop ass rich!!!!!! I hope that scumbag Cop Pig, piece of garbage, piece of gutter trash is spending eternity in HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You think the movie was all truth? It was based on a book written by Rubin Carter. Talk about one-sided bias. The guy is a sociopath.

Read this:


Agreed. Everyone who helped him with his case was discarded by him as soon as he got off. I don't know for sure if he's guilty, but he's definately a poor excuse for a human being.



Pantherfan-(I guess that is a Black Panther Party reference)

No Einstein it is actually a reference to the Florida Panthers hockey team


"This is proof"? How sad to so easily believe Hollywood's revisionist history. I guess the Dark Knight "proves" there really is a Batman. How many times have you been arrested for committing crimes for you to hate so intensely? Those that hate cops so viciously are usually upset because they have been caught doing something wrong(most likely repeatedly). They would just like to not be bothered with cops doing their job and would just prefer for the cops to ignore their crimes and let them walk away without any consequences. On the other hand, if they are in serious trouble and need help, guess who they call've got it. The "scumbag" cops. The piece of garbage, gutter trash,scumbag as you put it, in this movie and real life at least spent 20 years in hell(prison) for his crime. That's at least some consolation. One can only hope he will still eventually be paid in kind for his crime and spend an eternity in a real hell!


Well I haven't checked my emails in about a week , so when i did finally check this morning, I found one more person out there who is entirely missing the point.
First I have never been arrested for anything, second I live in town with a very miniscule crime rate and a very overzealous police departement, whose officers of this departement are only trying to scratch out a living.
The truth be told , and what you seem to have left out of your post, is that without CRIME COPS DON'T HAVE JOBS.

So, in reality cops are, more or less, trying to advance their careers, 100 arrests on resume looks better than 50 arrests on a resume, get the point?
So the cop with 100 arrests on his resume will probably get promoted more quickly the the one with 50. Even if the the cop only 50 arrests is probably 100 times more honest than the cop with 100 arrests.
So, when you think about it, most cops want crime to continue so they can remain employed. Why would they eradicate or eliminate something(crime) which keeps them employed?

So the cops in my town hate it they it when they stop someone, then proceed to search their car or their person and run their name in over the radio and find NOTHING!!!!!!!!! They HATE that. It means one less arrest on their resume, one less chance of them ever getting promoted , less chance of ever becoming detective or getting a much coveted job with the FBI or DEA etc...

If cops really cared about the communities they patrol , they should be joyously happy when they find law abiding citzens in their communities, instead of angry because they can't get promoted.
Law enfocement is supposed to be a noble profession now it all about getting rich. I'd like to see a day when cops try to improve the community instead making the department money or advancing their carrers.

This isn't about ALL cops because sadly enough good and honest cops are in the minority


Your post only serves to prove my point that you have some weird anti-police agenda going on. To think that good cops are in the minority is more than just a little weird. I wouldn't doubt that you stand up and cheer whenever a cop, with several kids at home, who is just doing his job trying to keep citizens safe, is killed by some scumbag lowlife criminal. Yea, there are some bad cops out there, but I submit that THEY are the ones in the minority and are usually found out and canned or prosecuted. To hold the fanatical anti-police views you have espoused is frankly quite sick. Please do us all a favor, and should you ever need someone to get you out of a jam or protect your or someone in your family's life, don't call the cops. Instead just call a criminal or the average citizen and see how that works out for you.


While that poster sounds immature as hell, I also hate cops not cos i do crime but i have been stopped a ridiculous amount of times by the police, and never have been arrested. One police officer told me that instead of giving me paper work (which is a legal requirement here in the uk) they know keep it on the database. This was an outrite lie but I only found out after I got stopped 5 more times after that incident and asked the officer if they had a record of all the times i had been stopped to which they said they didnt. I have no respect for the police know as I feel like ive been persecuterd, however I dont think in this day and age police would really plant evidence on people, especially for something as serious as murder


Yea, there are some bad cops out there, but I submit that THEY are the ones in the minority and are usually found out and canned or prosecuted.

Well here is one Bad Cop who will never be "canned" or "prosecuted" if though he should be in jail for the rest of his life but he will most likely be promoted.

In this link it states that he was was assigned to administrative duties and his police powers were suspended. As of March 2009, the internal investigation on Rivieri is ongoing.

Now if he was NOT a COP he would have been fired immidiatley and immprisoned. But he's a cop so they have to "investigate"

Talk about your double standards

Most parents in this country would to anyone put away for life if they did that to their child...


Very simple response.
ONE example of a very bad cop can in no way justify branding ALL of the hundreds of thousands of good cops around the country as evil "scumbags".
There are probably some very bad cops out there, but even 5 or 10% bad cops is still quite a minority.
Why not take the opposite approach and say hey I found a good cop so therefore ALL cops are good. You would be wrong but a lot closer to reality than your belief.


Well I found one among "ALL the hundreds of thousands of good cops around the country" I found ONE good cop, but unfortunately he isn't very popular among his superiors and it is because he is too honest:


You have got to give up this obsession. It is consuming you. Let's give it a break. It is useless to continue. Over and out!


you have to take into consideration the fact that most of this movie is bullsh** and the cop was a made up character



The cops in the film were made up.
No question about it.

