After Reggie and Bob left the show went down the drain anyway. The only episode I kinda liked which was probably right after Reggie left was when Becker stayed with a mother who lost her son on 9/11 in a subway. Not funny ...a tragic story. Even Kelsey Grammar's episode sucked. I was like what Kelsey grammar was on Becker? So I found the epi and was disappointed.
I agree. The episode with Kelsey Grammar wasn't that good, even though he made a reference to Cheers on it (at a bar in Boston drinking lol).
Then that airhead racist Antonio Sabato jr ended up being with Linda.
Knowing Linda, she would've been with someone else the next day lol.
Chris and Becker of course had zero chemistery and she had zero line delivery or the writers were awful.
Getting ride of Reggie was what killed this show, the getting rid of Bob the following season was the nail in the coffin!
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