Bad movie, but oddly realistic
As poorly scripted as the film is, and as silly as the dialogue may be, the subject matter is quite reflexive of everyday life for ordinary people. That does not say a whole lot of good about young people and what they do with their lives. But, the movie does portray real life quite realistically.
Examples: 1) Ron Livingston, when he realizes he can't get into the club, decides to tell off the bouncer, who is a complete loser. The bouncer just reacts by scaring him off, and denigrating Livingston's wardrobe. 2) The bodyguard of some celebrity violently shoves Jerry O'Connell, even though O'Connell has not attacked or threatened the celebrity. This results in a violent fist fight. 3) At the end of the night, dumb idiot takes drunk girl home, resulting a rape charge the next day.
Some of the more unpleasant apsects of the urban nightlife/20-something dating scene are on display in this movie. It's not fun to watch. It's not savory. But, it is consistent with reality.
And, that's kind of depressing.