MovieChat Forums > Girl, Interrupted (2000) Discussion > Why do they give all the girls laxatives...

Why do they give all the girls laxatives?

Why is that necessary?


I'm wondering the same thing too. Susanna was practically forced to take them.


No one really has any choice about the meds they take in a mental hospital.



Simply not true, Awesome.

I've worked in several as a psychiatric nurse. No one forces a med on adults or kids. There are exceptions--if a person is wildly assualtive/combative or actively trying to kill him/herself, yes, then we do force medication. Other than that, most state's mental health codes simply do not allow it.


This movie was set in the late 60s, when psychiatric care was a lot less advanced than it was today, and long term hospitalisations were common, and therapies that are now illegal or absolute last resort were used early on. I suggest doing some research on US psych facilities prior to 1980.


what an idiotic answer...


Just a guess........the other meds that they were given caused constipation.

Sorry - no witty signature line


"Just a guess........the other meds that they were given caused constipation'

Good guess


The sedatives they give you slow down your bowel movements and make you constipated.


It's likely that the other meds that the patients are on make them constipated. I work with clients who are on a lot of medications and most of them take a stool softener because constipation is a very common side effect.


It's really ironic that Daisy probably WAS constipated, because she gets no fibre at all if all she eats is chicken!



Most of the medications given back then for many of the disorders dealt with in the film cause constipation (actually they cause the intestines and colon to slow down digestion considerably). SO to remedy the side effect of the meds they give stool softeners to ...move things along. Pretty much this practice is still used today in hospitals. After surgery or a long stay they will make sure you "go" before you are discharged , usually because the pain meds also cause constipation, if you haven't "gone" before discharge you can probably expect a colonic.


So are they laxatives or stool softeners? I heard a question asked on a sitcom this past week and it reminded me. The one girl was taking Colace and it was called a laxative. Yet when I was in the hospital they called Colace a stool softener. I had to take it for a week because anesthesia during surgery made me more constipated than I had been in almost my entire life.



Man, I know how painful being constipated can.

I had a 4 week stay in hospital (in ICU) after two 14 hour operations for mouth cancer, they were complicated very complicated and dangerous operations. Long story short - for the pain I had the 'button' where I could get a hit morphine every 60 seconds and believe me I was pressing often, maybe too often.

After about a week a nurse asked me if I was 'regular', at the time I thought I was, but without knowing it I wasn't actually doing the business. Then the pain of constipation kicked in.

That was worse pain ever, they gave every medication they had to try and soften things up, but nothing worked, in the end a doctor had to physically remove the blockage by hand. I never thought I would be pleased to have some stick their fingers, among other objects up my rear end!

I was disgusting and the doctor certainly wasn't very happy about having to do it, but the relief of that blockage finally being removed was BLISS, and trust me a LOT came out. I slept well that night.

This was back in Dec 2009 (over xmas)and after months of chemo radio therapy and several more operations HAPPILY I'm still alive today 7 years later Jan 2016.

I'm still on morphine (among other medications) twice daily in the form of Oxycontin, but I try not to take too much (ie: I skip pills every now and then if pain level allows) so that I don't ever get constipation like that again.


(Sorry for being off topic guys, but I had to get that out of me, so to speak !!)

(Edit: Corrected tons of typos and dates)


I take meds that can make you constipated, and got gummy fibers. They taste good and you can adjust them so everything works the way it should, and I haven't heard anything about it being addictive.


My only guess is because certain medications can back you up.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)
