
The amount of racist and homophobic comments on this board alone is staggering.

White dudes who keep posting on this board:

Stop with the stupid ass analogy about "If I wanted to be a black man, and changed myself, I'd still be a white man,". You're making other white people look closed minded and ignorant, and as a white dude, it's getting harder and harder to run interference.

You're implying that the chemical attraction of a woman to another woman is comparable to being a black male. This is the most ridiculous and racist notion I have ever seen. Being black or white has no discernible mental, or more specifically neurological, difference, and wanting to be "black" is such a vague term. Do you mean "thug"? Because that's what wigger's try to be, not black. They think they're being "black", because to them wearing baggy pants, flat billed hats, Reebok's, and a grill make you "black".
No. It makes you a thug. Not all black males are thugs.

A woman who is not only attracted to other women, but relates to men and enjoys activities men frequent, to me that's a dude. A bro. I have no problem stating that, they should just be honest with the girls they want to be with before the relationship gets physical. Because I believe that to be respectful and trusting, and that's the foundation for all healthy relationships: Respect and Mutual trust.

So you want to make an analogy, an appropriate one anyway, you could parallel this issue with being attracted to animals and being an animal in a human's body.
Of course, this is *beep* gross, but you know what? It's their damn prerogative and I bet if you could ask the pigs (or whatever they're banging) they wouldn't give two sam *beep* about the situation.
Of course PETA's in an uproar about bestiality (ironic) much like the CC over the issue of transgenders.
And, of course, it's none of their *beep* business.

The only people this issue should concern are the TG's, their lovers, and whatever children they may raise together.

That's it. It's not your business or mine. Period.


OMG, I disagree with absolutely everything you just said!


OMG, I don't care about absolutely anything you just said!


Don't act like a petulant child, it does not become you.


But it becomes you?


From the undisputed article: "Death of a Deceiver":

JoAnn refused to give up. "I asked her point-blank, 'Hey, we can work through this. Are you a lesbian?'"

"That's disgusting," Teena replied. She had some gay male friends in Lincoln but refused to accompany them to parties where there would be lots of homosexuals. "I can't be with a woman that way. I love them the way a man does. It's like I'm really a man trapped inside this body."

Teena insisted she hadn't been physically involved with Heather. She leaned forward, elbow on table, hand to chin. "I'm going to be a virgin until the day I die," she announced.

They talked some more before Teena got to the subject she'd been blocking out for ten years. "Mom, I was raped," Teena said, choking on her tears. It had happened when she was a little girl, by a male relative who had also sexually abused Tammy. All three Brandons sobbed. Teena and her sister had never discussed it. Their mother was mortified by the revelation.

From that point on, it was virtually impossible to get Teena to talk to her psychiatrists. She preferred not to dredge up any more unhappy or complicated feelings, and no resolution was made about her identity or future. "They called her a compulsive liar," JoAnn recalled. "She stopped attending the sessions after two weeks. They said she didn't need any long-term care and let her go."

Hmmm...if she found it so disgusting, why was she licking their twats?

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone


Yes, it sounded to me like Teena was a lesbian who refused to acknowledge her homosexuality. A homophobic homosexual, you might say.


A homophobic homosexual, you might say.

I never heard it put that way. Pretty accurate I'd say, if she was indeed homosexual. To this day I still think she could have been faking it to commit her crimes. We'll never truly know, this whole case is too polarized to have any real discussion.

I mean a probable innocent man (of murder anyway)Lotter, is going to get murdered via death penalty when what he's maintained all along has been revealed to be true by his accuser , Tom Nissen , and lack of any evidence of him at the crime scene. The fact that the courts denied all his appeals for a new trial makes me wonder if there is such a thing as justice in Nebraska.

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone


She, He, It, needed to get whacked. Justice was served. Something about teena makes my skin crawl, something really wrong there. And yet, It, has been made into a martyr, damn near sainthood status......


Wow, this is an absolutely disgusting comment. What's wrong with you?


Wow, this is an absolutely disgusting comment. What's wrong with you?

Nothing strange or inexplicable about it at all. Just a natural repulsion to people who wish to mutilate their sexual organs and body chemistry, much like how one might recoil naturally from a Prince Albert piercing or a stranger's poop, for example.


Yikes. I wish you all the best on your journey to a life without ignorance.


mmartymcfly wrote:

Yikes. I wish you all the best on your journey to a life without ignorance.

Sorry Adolf, but you can't dictate another individual's instinctive response to things, just like you can't dictate someone else's sexual preferences. Obviously, anything you disagree with you categorize as "ignorant," which is a really myopic way to go through life. Grow up.


Why do you assume that? We've barely spoken and you know how I categorise things? That's a good example for those who are myopic. I don't expect everyone to be progressive, but the least you could do is use the appropriate names and pro nouns. Trans people already suffer enough bullying, violence and discrimination - just be a good person. It isn't that hard.


I was not defending that freak!


I see that now, my apology.

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone




I agree.

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone


No where in my post did I defend "Teena". I actually made a point about being honest with your lovers, alluding to "Teena"'s dishonesty.


First of people who have negative things to say makes me sick. Brandon is a he and not a she. Learn about gender identity disorder before you talk. It is not the same as being homosexual. And if you people lived in his shoes it is not an easy life and to the fact that he lived back then when people were more hateful to the lgbt than today. He said he was a hemaphrodite because he was scared lana was going to leave him. There are cases when people come out as transgenders and their partner left them afterwards because they are close minded. He wanted to be identified as a man because he mentally thinks like a man. It is not a choice but rathee something he was born with. Look It up. And just because he was abused as a child does not prove as to why he is transgender. He knew and learned to accept it. He is not a lesbian so shut it. Have some respect because karma will bite you people in the ass. It is not brandon who is sick. It is you people who have nothing better to do than bash on a persons life. *beep* sickos.


I noticed these same folk keep posting the same *beep* over and over this board. Nothing can do about these nazi's.
