MovieChat Forums > Boys Don't Cry (2000) Discussion > Thoughts on negative comments on this bo...

Thoughts on negative comments on this board

Okay first of all it makes me sick reading people's negative comments on some things. People seriously...get a life and stop calling brandon a she, it, or whatever negative comments you have to say. He was a man. He suffered from gender identity disorder which today is recognized in the ICD coding book. It is not a choice but rather than something he was born with. I understand that people are upset because he kept it a secret for so long but seriously would you like it if you knew that you could be killed any second by telling people you are transgendered especially back in the days? And it is not just because of that but fear itself can take control. The fear of people leaving you or not being open minded. It is a hard situation. He wanted nothing morw than to be accepted as a man. Having gender identity disorder can be noticed by the person as young as two years old to even late fourties. No one will truly understand unless you are suffering from GID yourself. It is really heart breaking that people are stilk closed minded even after brandons murder. It is just sickening just to read horrible comments. His story is sad and he did not deserve what he got . He was nothing more than just a man trying to fit in the world. R.I.P. Brandon.


If Teena Brandon was a man, then how come "HE" had a vagina? How come the cops and the coroner identified the body as FEMALE?? And how come Brandons mother says that "HE" was her DAUGHTER?? Seriously, the amount of uneducated, ignorant, delusional people in this world is nothing short of mindblowing....


You're right, it is. Starting with you.


sociopath man sociopath you are. now that you can't deny.



Obviously you did not understand when I said look up "gender identity disorder". And no it does not make people uneducated who sees him as a man. It means that we are more advance and open minded. Just because he had a "vagina" does not make him less of a man. He couldn't help that he mentally thinks like on. And I also said that it is written in the ICD CODING BOOK. Wait you probably do not even know what that is since you probably are not a medical secretary.
Maybe its people like you that needs to be educated because apparently you are lacking. It is 2013. Get the heck over it.



Its very simple.

X will mark the place
Like the parting of the waves
Like a house falling into the sea


What about those born with three X chromosomes or even 1 Y chromosome and two X chromosomes ? Nothing in biochemistry is ever simple .


Vagina = woman
Penis = man

And if a man's penis is cut off? Is he no longer a man? Not so simple.

A person's true gender comes from their brain, heart, and soul... it is about what you are inside. Sometimes nature screws up and someone is stuck in the wrong body.


David Reimer had his penis completely burned beyond surgical repair during a botched circumcision. They ultimately removed his testicles as well. His parents decided to raise him as female, but he never felt quite right. He later transitioned to male after his parents told him the truth. Was David any less of a man since he didn't have a penis?

Neither genitalia nor chromosomes determine gender. Gender identity (resides in the brain) determines gender. You're welcome for the education lesson. This session is free.


I agree with everything except the " It was his choice " part . Call me a " liberal pansy " all you want but I`ve always been kinda iffy on the use of the word " choice " in connection with the LGBTQ community .


In a way it is correct. He did not have a choice when it came to being a transsexual, but he did make the choice to live as a man while working towards surgery to become anatomically male. It is a choice to try to have a happy life being what you were born to be while working towards making your outside match your insides, or to be miserable for the rest of your life trying to conform to the mistake nature made.

The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of it.


Teena was a woman, and she was killed becuase of her behavior of lying to those who trusted her, and her deviant behavior. That's it.

Making a hero and a martyr out of her is offensive to all those GLBT people who have had the guts to tell the truth, not commit muliple felonies and who took the risk to have an open an honest relationship.

You know, that's pretty sound logic. Next time someone lies to me or does something I deem "deviant" (in case you're wondering, I believe terrible spelling and/or grammar qualifies as deviant behavior), I won't just walk away from them or cut them out of my life. From here on out, I'm going to start raping, beating and shooting people because anyone who lies to me, misspells words or doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're" deserves to be killed. How dare these lying ass poor spellers and grammatically challenged people take up room on my planet!

By the way, you spelled "because" and "multiple" wrong.




Brandon was a boy. You can't use the acronym LGBT if you refuse to acknowledge the reality of one of those letters. If you call lying deviant, then okay, but I'm sure you wouldn't go around parading an identity you didn't relate to in a close minded corn field of a state that to this day doesn't protect you or your right to live.


I agree with you completly. It's very sad the closed minded people who see the world black and White and not all the grey between. And that hate others that don't fit in their world full of ignorance.


I should really not read anything on the board about this film, because it frustrates me to no end where some people get off imposing their simplistic ideas on other people's identities and why they think they have a right to do so. They don't want to understand and they do not have the imagination to ever do so, but they're ignorant of that as well. They should all join the Westboro Baptist Church or a similar hateful club so the rest of the world at least knows where they all are.


I'm not surprised that someone is *upset* with negative comments, but you must have decided beforehand that you were going to like this movie and that you were going to come here to write something about *haters*. This movie was about lesbianism, and of course it's been scientifically proven that homosexuals have a defective brain. Need proof? If EVERYONE were homosexual then the human race ceases to exist. Period. End of argument. By the way, Hillary looked exactly like a woman pretending to be a man, anyone who was fooled must have an IQ in single digits.
Back to my supposition: What would happen in a 100% homosexual world, would people have to be enslaved and forced to reproduce to create a constant supply of new homosexuals? People who are *confused* about their sexual identity and think they are a man should go stand in front of a mirror for 2 seconds, and then go waste money on a shrink if they want, cuz that's what it would be, a waste of money. Glad I didn't waste any money on this awful film.


Well it's a good thing we don't have that problem, what with there being over 10 billion people on the planet today and more being born every day. I think we'll be fine, you know, if we don't use up all of our resources and die off first. But you being the heterosexual (probably white) cisgender male that you are, had probably already figured it out. With such an ignorant post as that, it makes me wonder why you think homosexuals are the only people with "scientifically proven" brain defects. Having too much of one chromosome over another has nothing to do with the brain sweetie. It's obvious that you decided that you were going to hate this film before coming to this board and spout your misguided and ignorant bigotry, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. I'd tell you to go educate yourself but you probably don't have enough oxygen to get your brain to do so. It's all going to your small cismale penis.

Here's my advice to you oh dense and uneducated cismale: Abandon this message board and the internet. Lock yourself in your church and pray Your God takes you away because we don't need the likes of you here!

Go ahead and look up the term "cisgender", I dare you! Even though with your head so far up your own ideals you'd be too stupid to actually do it!

If it's been fifteen years or more, it's no longer a spoiler.
