Trans Representaion

Transgender representation is seriously underrated within the film industry, and when (very rarely) a film is made, the character is killed or miserable. Whilst this is based on a true story, there should be more films with LGBT+ members that aren't there for decoration but rather characters in their own right. Opinions?


It's NOT based on a true story. It's based on true EVENTS. It's fictional to what really happened.



Or - as these whiney Millenials like to say - "YASSSS KWEEN!!!!"

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


There's a whole section on Netflix dedicated to LGBT. But besides that, they're in plenty of films, it just doesn't matter...


hi everyone,

yah it was based on events that happened... from what i understand. I was pretty much ahole in my other posts because i was ticked off at they're reaction to brandon, calling him she, her, mentally ill that belongs in a nuthouse!

I had people try to hurt me before try to beat me up call me names, and even try to kill me. I always had to try to live in secret in the shadows... hoping do they see me as a man or see me as a woman? Ugh?! ok heres my story, this actually happened and i did make a police report and talked to the police. U would most likely not believe this but i am tell it anyway.

I usually take buses and trains for downtown because crappy parking and i dont wanna pay, so a month ago two men tried to beat me up. it at started when i took the bus to the metro train station. i sat down minding my own P's and Q's listening to my music. they were yelling names at me and saying u want trouble because it comming for u. As a martial artist i was taught to win a fight is to never get into one. i stated that i wasnt gay... the bus driver did nothing and never called it in. I talked to the bus driver he said nothing and i went back to my seat and they called me a nark. I got off the bus and they followed me. I thought i lost them when the train came but i got off at another station they're were there waiting for me. they are gang banger jerks kids about young 20s. They attacked me right on the platform i defending myself... i side snapped kick in red in the ribs because we was exposed i exploited that, and the second guy came right after with a punch i moved side n back and kneed him in the chest then jabbed him in the face with my fist, then i left.

Oh i thought it was over and they had enough after they went down a train came and i went on it... i should have been more aware. I didnt see them on the train car but i realized later that they followed me. i got to where i started at the train station i needed and waited for my bus for about 10 mins i went on listening to my music because i was bit upset by the deal.. sure it's pratical in the shibiru "dojo" well anyways i didn't realize they followed me on the bus too but they where in a dark red car 4 door they were behind the bus. I get off the bus left i saw the red car 3 guys got out and it was night time mind u. It was the same two gang bangers plus one more an older guy about mid 30s. the guy in red grey and white pulled out butterfly knife and called me a tranny who@e and the older guy pulled out a gun, i knew what type of gun it was because there was some light, stupid jerk is holding glock 19 G4 9mm desert sand i knew that because its called that because it's light brown like sand. I just reacted i disarm older man with the gun and kicked the gun away then i attacked the other guy with the knife. I could of took the glock 19 held it on them, but u can't even if it self defense, i didn't have my permits and its most likely that glock is not registered. So u know what i do? yah i run guns are faster then fists and feet, i maybe fearless but not stupid. As i am running i call 911, the lady said what is ur emergency? ambulance, police, or fire? i yell police! At this point i didn't care if that guy picked up that glock or not (i was taught to disarm and disable the enemy and leave - nippo) they chase after me i run through the parking lot of giant tiger store and run in to the store. i gave them the address and asked if i was in mediate danger, i look out the window and they get in they're car and speed away. u'd think i could be wise enough to get the license plate number X_X. i said i was like seconds ago they left i said. I had to explain to them give them my female name urgh, they kept calling miss. I sound male but i had to tell them the truth, if u dont u can be charged with obstruction of justice. I told them everything, i didn't get upset and angry until after ordeal, and i was even more mad when they called me by my female name i requested that they call me by my male name. They said they couldn't a unit for at least 2 to 3 hours to location, i was like what?! I am not waiting here in giant tiger and window shop until a unit comes here. they said sorry miss we're slammed tonight. I said don't bother coming to the store i don't live far from the store so i gave them my home address. I said get me there. I got the badge number of the cop who was on the phone, 229. I remember stuff in detail, maybe it's an artist thing.

So i watch my six i got home i was so mad i went by the wood shed and started to swearing, yelling and side snap kick the crap out of the shed for 5 mins or so. I was so mad, and usually i am so calm and collected, everyone has their breaking point. So i had time on my hands I drew all three guys who attacked me... i did see the driver in the car though. the police came to my house 2.5 hours later and they talked to me and i told them what happened, they called me by my male name yay ok cool. they took one look in my living room and said u got permits for those? are nice display swords i said ugh no those are real. so they asked if i had any other guns in the house i showed them and showed all the permits, licenses. travel permits and what club i am in. they asked if i was armed i said yah with my fists and feet and i stated that u can't going around with 9mm gun and/or run around with my dokuji nami katana. they gave me 4 sheets of witness statement forms, i am gonna need one more please i said. the two police officers said we'll be back in hour. I gave them the report when they came back.. i told the times i got the bus and location where i started. they said they look at the video footage on the bus and at the train station location i said where it happened.

3 weeks later they get all the evidence, there was two buses running to the station 15 mins within eachother, one didn't have video but the other did. There was three cameras on the platform one wasn't in range the other didn't see anything and the other caught the fight on video. So the cops know i am not laying and i was telling the truth. too bad they dont or i don't have video when i had a glock in my face. They never handed my case over to the hate crimes unit, it was still at squad 8 division.

(i have a pal license and have done 8 years in IPSC, permits for range travel loc only. Canadian laws are stiff how guns are handled. I wish i had my sig sauer MK25 P226 9mm at that point shoot em in the knee caps :P but u can't. :(..)

So for those who don't believe me here's a picture of the police report copy and u can't lie on a legal binding document.. it's considered a crime :P.

If you feel overwelmed... Keep Going!


I know this is an old post and that you will probably never see this, but how did they know you're a female-to-male transsexual? Most FtM's are passable as a male. It's the male-to-females that have trouble passing as a female and ironically they usually deny they've ever had bad experiences like that.
